Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Volunteering with local Law Enforcement

During the Austin launch a follower with the local sheriff's office
invited our founder to do a ride-along perimeter search of the jail

Close quarters

This is the last blog before our blog continues the launch tour.
Austin followers get ready! Gentleman next to me is feverishly writing
a term paper. Let's all wish him luck.

Handcrafted Blog Merch

White tee: $5

Commemorative Launch shirt on display today at LAX and again later today in Austin Bergstrom International.

Order thru comments section. Email or in person also fine.
Please specify: Used or New
All orders are FINAL!!

Post battery life Blog

Even after the battery is gone the followers still want content.
Thanks to the blog assistant for getting this blog down under such

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ouija Blog?

Similar blog also under consideration. Please vote accordingly.

Wedgie Blog?

After much consideration of the content that could be provided by a
"wedgie blog" it has come to rest in the hands of the followers.
Please comment as to your opinion on this entry. Wedgie blog votes
will be counted and further considered as viable. (the inspiration for
said blog cannot be shown as the light at secret bar is too dark.
Wedgie not noticeable).


Sometimes to get followers you have to feature them. Not in this case.
I have a longstanding "watching from a distance" relationship with
this follower-to-be. Thank you for your support. To become a follower
that is featured on this blog please comment on this pic.

Tribute Blog

I would like to make a tribute blog. The inspiration for this entire blog was entirely out of jealousy for a friend's very successful blog.
Within a very short time he has created a body of work that is amazing and true to his very being. It is most simple and uses imagery of food as a journal for life.

Jake thank you for supplying me with a good venue to air my thoughts and give my followers what they want.

Golden Beaded Pear Ornament

This one's easy gang!!
Just in time for Holidays!

Craft Supplies:

3 inch styrofoam ball
5 inch styrofoam ball
Gold beads
Gold straight pins
Small twig piece
Tacky glue
Small leaf

Blog has followers. Demand relevant content.

Blog responds: most unsafe blog yet, blog&drive.

These ones are called boots

They are from TX and they go on yer feet.

Live viewing of real blog

Technology can be seen. And should be stared at.

New blog a hit

Critic laughs at new blog titled "Don't do it."

Woweee u

Are a little bit awake now. Huh?