Thursday, April 30, 2020

Willie Nelson & Family, Ryan Bingham, and Trae the Truth have important messages for you:

Can you make a donation today to a Texas food bank?

Powered By People

Jason, we're reaching out now because it's almost the end of the month, and food banks are budgeting ahead for even more skyrocketing demands for food due to COVID-19.

We're aiming to raise $13,000 today for food banks in Texas. Some have been fortunate in the donations they've received – others less so. We need to help all of them. If everyone reading this right now chipped in just $3, we would surge past our goal.

Can you support the food banks that need the most help right now by splitting a donation – before today is up? If you can afford it, we need you on board.

Contribute to food banks

Because the need is so urgent, we reached out to some of our friends with large social media audiences to record video messages asking folks to join Powered by People in helping food banks.

Here are a few messages from them to you:

Willie Nelson & Family: In this age of the novel coronavirus, we must all do what we can. If you're lucky enough to be able to donate, please do because no one in our human family should be food insecure. Please stay safe and COVID-free.

Ryan Bingham: I hope you're staying safe, healthy, and happy out there. People all over Texas are hungry and dependent on food banks during this difficult time. Unfortunately, there's a shortage as thousands more families resort to food banks to stay fed every day. Please consider lending a hand to help out your fellow Texans.

Trae the Truth: I want to take the time to send prayers, blessings, and love to everybody that's been affected by the coronavirus. A special salute to all the front liners and essential workers. We rockin' with you... There are so many people that are out trying to get food and other things for their families, but there's not enough manpower to help them. If you're able to help, it's always good for us to come together as one. And if not, make sure you stay in, stay safe. One love.

Like Willie Nelson & Family said: if you're lucky enough to be able to donate, please do because no one in our human family should be food insecure.

People are counting on us. Together, we can meet our goal quickly. We hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy. Thanks for all you do.

– Powered by People

Contribute to food banks


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

No one should go hungry because they’re unemployed from COVID-19.

If you agree, we need your help.

Powered By People

Jason, last night the Powered by People volunteer team made 2,000 calls to help food banks. That's amazing – but the truth is we have a lot more work to do to hit our goal.

Hungry people are counting on us. At some recent food drop-offs, hundreds of cars have been lined up, filled with our fellow Americans who are struggling during this crisis.

No one should go hungry because they're unemployed due to COVID-19. If you agree, we need your help.

Can you help us meet our goal of making 3,000 phone calls to help food banks feed the hungry? RSVP for Thursday's virtual phone bank with Beto. It doesn't matter where you live – you can participate from anywhere.

Upcoming events:

Thursday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Our goal is ambitious, but tomorrow, we don't want to fall short. This team has risen to many challenges so far. We can do this!

If you can't volunteer, please split a donation across 21 food banks right now. Food banks are in dire need of financial resources to purchase enough food for their region.

Thank you,

The Powered by People team



Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Together, we made 2,500 calls on Saturday to help food banks feed the hungry.

Powered By People

Jason, this is beautiful.

Together, we made 2,500 calls on Saturday to help food banks feed the hungry. We signed up hundreds of volunteers. People across the country are helping out.

But we're hoping to do a lot more. 22 million Americans have now filed for unemployment in the last four weeks. It's deeply alarming, but it's inspiring to see so many people joining in to help feed those in need.

We're aiming to make 3,000 phone calls today to help food banks get the volunteer-power they need. But we can't meet our goal without enough people joining a virtual phone bank with Beto – can you make it?

Upcoming events:

Tuesday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Tuesday, April 21, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Thursday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

If you can't volunteer, please split a donation across 21 food banks right now. Food banks are in dire need of financial resources to purchase enough food for their region.

Our fellow Americans and human beings are counting on us. Thank you for showing up in this difficult moment.

– The Powered by People team



Saturday, April 18, 2020

Today, Tuesday, and Thursday:

Beto is asking you to join him in a virtual phone bank.

Powered By People

Hi Jason,

I wanted to make sure you saw the invite to join Beto in one or all of three virtual phone banks – happening today, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Right now, we're seeing unprecedented unemployment, and it's translating into unprecedented demand at our food banks. They're running out of volunteers to help package and distribute food to those who are in need.

So Beto is asking you to join him in calling prospective volunteers to fill shifts at the food banks that serve all 254 counties of our great state. Please sign up now. We need you!

Upcoming events:

Saturday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Saturday, April 18, 1:00 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Tuesday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Tuesday, April 21, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Thursday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

This is a moment to find the courage and will to serve our fellow Texans and human beings at their moment of greatest need.

I hope you'll join us,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

P.S. If you can't volunteer, I hope you'll consider donating to support those in need.



Friday, April 17, 2020

I was talking to the El Paso food bank CEO Susan Goodell this morning.

Can you make a donation today to a Texas food bank?

Dear Jason,

I was talking to the El Paso food bank CEO Susan Goodell this morning. She told me about an experience she'd had at a Walgreens earlier this week.

"The cashier asked me why I was buying so much sunscreen. I explained that it was for our volunteers who are out in the sun distributing groceries at the food bank. And she said, 'You mean, there's a place you can go to for food?'"

It turns out that the cashier is the only one in her family of seven who has a job, and on that one meager income (a starting cashier makes $10/hr) is unable to make ends meet.

Just think about it. This Walgreens cashier — putting herself at risk by going to work every day so that the rest of us can buy groceries, medicines and household needs — is unable to feed herself and her family.

She's not alone. In the midst of record layoffs and an historic economic contraction, more people have filed for unemployment in Texas in the last four weeks than in all of 2019. People are out of work, and instead of two bread-winners in the household, there is now only one.

Or none.

Thankfully we have food banks serving each one of the 254 counties in Texas, where people like the Walgreens cashier can get a week's worth of groceries for their family.

These food banks are dependent on all of us, both for volunteer labor to pack and distribute the food and for donations to purchase the food in the first place. Can you make a donation of $10 today to a Texas food bank?

Contribute $10

It's important to understand that the need is there. But so is the ability to help.

When Amy and I showed up for our volunteer shift at the El Paso food bank yesterday we were struck by just how big the operation has grown in the last couple of weeks. Dozens of volunteers, dozens of National Guard, dozens of paid "Get Shift Done" workers (food service employees who've recently been laid off).

After having our temperature taken, going through safety instruction that reminded us to always wear gloves and a mask and keep more than six-foot distance from other volunteers, we were led to the warehouse where we met our volunteer supervisor.

Dave is retired military. Tough and a little gruff, but full of concentrated, efficient energy and very precise direction. He was the leader our volunteer unit needed. At first he had us sort pallets of donated items into distinct categories so that they could be prepared for distribution. All dairy over here. Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries on that pallet. Chips, chocolate, and snacks over there. Frozen foods and meat right here.

"Ever used one of these?" he asked as he brought over a pallet jack. I had when I worked in a grocery store in college, but it had been a while. As I struggled to move the newly built pallet of vegetables over to another part of the warehouse a young man named Chris came over and helped me. "Looks like the pallet is damaged, we're going to have to move the jack out a little and then push this together."

He reset the jack and got it moving in the right direction while Dave and I pushed on either side. I asked Chris what he did for a living.

"I work at a Sam's Club stocking shelves."

"And so on your day off you come down to the food bank and do the same thing for free?"


When we finished sorting, we took our places on an assembly line, six feet apart from one another. A box would cruise down the line on rollers, and at each station food items would be deposited. My station started with tomatoes (5 large tomatoes per box), then when those ran out, jalapeño peppers (a handful). Then bell peppers and eggplant (one per box). And lastly potatoes (four). Amy was in charge of onions, tomatillos, and sweet potatoes.

I later learned that while it's great to have so much fresh produce, dairy, and meat, it masks a real challenge for the food bank: they are struggling to afford non-perishable items like rice and beans. That means they have a logistical problem of getting this stuff shipped, organized, sorted and distributed before it spoils AND they are still not able to get as much of the non-perishables that are a fundamental part of our diet and our food security.

Can you help Texas food banks buy needed non-perishables? They're struggling to afford items like rice and beans that are easier to distribute and are fundamental to food security.


One of the great things about volunteering at the food bank is you end up meeting people you might not otherwise get to know.

When we started on the assembly line the first person we met was Alex, who, when I asked how he heard about the volunteer opportunity said "one of your Powered by People phone bankers called my wife yesterday and asked her if she could volunteer. She said 'yes' and then turned around and told me to be here by 8am!"

He gave me a kind of "thanks, pal!" look afterwards. But I could tell he was into it. He kept working on engineering solutions to our chueco rolling track to keep the boxes from getting stuck as they rolled down the line.

Dione, who told me she was named after the mother of Aphrodite, was let go from a bar on Cincinnati street when they had to close down. She now works with Get Shift Done, which pays her for her time at the food bank.

Andrea, from Canutillo, is a mother of two. She's also a nurse and was just let go from her job. Everything is focused on coronavirus, and no one is scheduling surgeries or other procedures. "They just don't need me right now." So she's spending her time volunteering at the food bank.

Sergeant Elizondo was deployed to the food bank with his National Guard unit. He's a graduate of Ysleta High. Prior to the pandemic his job had him traveling throughout Texas, Oklahoma and beyond. But now he's focused on helping at the food bank in El Paso.

As our shift was coming to a close and we were getting ready to leave, a guy named David Montes came up and introduced himself. He told me that he is a boxer and had a title fight scheduled at the Don Haskins center in El Paso before the pandemic hit. The fight's been cancelled, and he doesn't know when he'll be able to box professionally again. "But now I'm doing my part until this is over!"

Dave, Chris, Alex, Dione, Andrea, Sgt. Elizondo, and David... and everyone else out there... made me so proud of this town, so grateful for everyone who is volunteering to get the food out, and everyone who is donating to make sure there is food to distribute.

Amy and I are going to continue to volunteer and donate and support those who need the help and those who are providing the help.

I hope you'll join us,


Contribute $10


Thursday, April 16, 2020

Virtual phone banks (need your help)

Can you give 2 hours?

Powered By People

Jason, people across Texas are hurting, and they're hungry. Our food banks are facing unprecedented demand for their services. They need our help.

That's why Beto is hosting virtual phone banks to call prospective volunteers and fill shifts at the food banks facing the most pressing demands.

Can you give 2 hours of your time to make calls and help get food to Texans in need? RSVP for a phone bank now.

Upcoming events:

Saturday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
This event is virtual
Saturday, April 18, 1:00 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Tuesday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
This event is virtual
Tuesday, April 21, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Thursday: Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
This event is virtual
Thursday, April 23, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

If you can't volunteer, please split a contribution between Texas food banks instead.

Our fellow Texans are counting on us. Let's show that we're here for them.

Thank you,

The Powered by People team


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Showing up

We don't want to see any of the $1 million matching grant go to waste.

Powered By People

Jason, while our food banks are struggling to feed every person in need due to COVID-19, this team is showing up.

So far, we've raised $30,000 for the food bank in El Paso. Now we're setting our sights higher. We're hoping to get to $50,000 in the next 48 hours. It's going to be a stretch, but it's important to try.

We don't want to see any of the $1 million matching grant go to waste – not when so many of our fellow Americans are unemployed and struggling to feed their families.

Today, we're asking you to make a donation to fuel the El Paso food bank's efforts. Every donation will be matched, dollar-for-dollar. So if you give right now, your impact will be doubled.

Contribute (2X Match)

The crisis we're facing is unprecedented, and the food bank needs a huge deal of resources to feed every person in need.

Fortunately, the Paul Foster Foundation and Woody and Gayle Hunt Foundation have pledged to match every donation – up to $1 million. But it's up to us to do our part.

If everyone reading this email donated just $3, we'd meet our goal in seconds. The truth is most people look the other way. So we're counting on you.

Help us meet our $50,000 goal for the El Paso food bank. Please donate what you can – before the next 48 hours are up.

If you can't afford to give right now, please don't worry. If you're able to donate, we need you now.

Thank you so much,

The Powered by People team

Contribute (2X Match)


Monday, April 6, 2020

I’m excited to share this

I hope you will join me in making a donation to the El Paso food bank.

Dear Jason,

I'm excited to share some really positive news for El Paso.

The Paul Foster Foundation and Woody and Gayle Hunt Foundation have pledged a $1 million matching grant for the El Paso food bank.

Our local food bank (known as El Pasoans Fighting Hunger) is seeing unprecedented demand for food in the midst of this extraordinary contraction of our economy. In a county where more than 200,000 people were already food insecure, there are now tens of thousands more in El Paso without work, who can no longer afford to feed themselves. 

Can you join me in making a donation to El Pasoans Fighting Hunger? Every donation will be matched by the foundations. That means for every $1 you give today, the food bank gets $2.

Contribute $10

The demands on the food bank are the greatest we've ever seen. This matching grant could not have come at a better time.

But it also means that we all need to step up and do our part. The $1 million pledge is a match, which means that an additional $1 million must be raised to realize the full pledged amount.

If we succeed, it will result in a total of $2 million raised, which will mean that every hungry family in El Paso will be able to get the nutrition and calories they need to survive.

I know we can do this. El Paso is a generous, giving community. We've always been there for each other. Most recently, we raised millions of dollars after the Walmart shooting to provide medical care and financial support for the families who were affected.

This is another opportunity for us to show each other who we are and what we are capable of doing. I hope you will join me in making a donation to the El Paso food bank.

Thank you,

