Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rodney Reed

I'm reaching out in the interests of justice for a man who is about to be wrongly executed. On November 20th, the state of Texas plans to execute Rodney Reed despite overwhelming evidence that points to his innocence.

Hi Jason,

It's been over a week since I left the campaign trail and it's been so good being home with family and hearing all of your support. I'm grateful to have so many of you at my back. So today, I'm asking you to join me in helping someone else. 

I'm reaching out in the interests of justice for a man who is about to be wrongly executed. On November 20th, the state of Texas plans to execute Rodney Reed despite overwhelming evidence that points to his innocence.

Governor Greg Abbott has the power to stop the execution. He's done it before, he can absolutely do it again. So our job is to make sure that we cause an outcry so loud, so united that Abbott has no choice but to listen to our demands and cancel the execution. 

Here are the 2 best ways you can help save this man's life and put pressure on Governor Abbott:

  • Sign the petition. Add your name to the petition and join millions of other people in urgently demanding Governor Abbott to stop the execution. 
  • Make phone calls. With only 8 days left, we need to ramp up the pressure and show the urgency of our demands.
    • Dial this Number: (512) 967-0567
    • With this number, you'll be connected to Governor Abbott's office and other influential people with the power to stop or delay Reed's execution. Before you're connected, you'll be provided some pointers on what to say during the call. If you get sent to voicemail, please leave a message and try calling again whenever you can. 

Rodney Reed has been on death row since 1998, alleging him responsible for the murder and rape of Stacey Stites.

Since his arrest, Reed has faced mountains of unfair challenges –– not uncommon in our broken incarceration system –– in proving his innocence. He was repeatedly denied DNA testing that could support his case, critical pieces of evidence were withheld from his trial, and in the end an all-white jury convicted Reed. Despite his flawed trial and evidence from a new witness claiming that Stites' ex-fiancĂ© admitted in prison that he's responsible for the murder of Stites, Reed remained on death row. 

When you look at the facts Jason, it becomes painfully clear that going forward with executing Rodney Reed would be absolutely wrong. 

It's our duty to stand up to this unfair, racist incarceration system and fight for every single human's right to find justice. 

Please take a couple of minutes out of your day to sign the petition or call Governor Abbott's office before time runs out. 

Thanks for your help,



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