Thursday, March 5, 2020


Ballots are still getting counted here in Texas, but I wanted to highlight one number in particular that gives me hope.

Powered By People


Given how important voter turnout is for our prospects in Texas — where we have a chance to stop Donald Trump and deliver the 38 electoral college votes to the Democratic nominee AND win a Democratic majority in the state house in November — I wanted to share some good news with you.

This past Tuesday, nearly 2.1 million Texans voted in our state's primary. That is 640,000+ more people than voted in 2016.

Despite the wind and the rain, Texas' history of voter suppression, the long lines (voters at TSU in Houston waited SIX HOURS to cast their ballot!), the people of Texas stepped up to be heard and to be counted.

Democratic Primary Turnout
2016: 1,435,895
2020: 2,076,046+

Texas voters in line.

As a Texan this makes me proud, and as an American who is deeply concerned about the future of this country this gives me hope. It shows me that the will, and the numbers, are there to win at least nine more state rep seats, which would put us in the majority for the first time in twenty years. And if we build on this by registering more voters, getting more volunteers in the field and building a true state-wide organizing effort, we could stop Donald Trump once and forever by winning Texas for the Democratic nominee. That's the work that I'm focused on with Powered By People this year.

I'd love to have your help (and for those who've already donated, your continued support) to do this important work.

Can you make a contribution to help Powered By People volunteers organizing all across the state? Whether you give five or fifty dollars, everything really helps.

Contribute now

Your donation will help us to recruit and support volunteers to register new voters, and to turnout existing ones by knocking on their doors. 

This kind of direct voter engagement is the single most effective way to communicate with those who will decide these important elections. I am confident that if we build a large enough team, we can organize in critical state house races and across the entire state of Texas.

If you want to be part of this work, make a contribution to Powered By People now.

Thank you!



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