Friday, May 8, 2020

Phonebank to register voters

Launching an aggressive voter registration effort

Powered By People

Jason, we need your help.

Today, our team is launching an aggressive voter registration effort to win a Democratic majority in the State House and change our government in Texas for the better.

Obviously, that's no small undertaking. To accomplish that huge goal, we need to contact new Texans and help them register to vote for our upcoming elections.

We have multiple phone banks scheduled to reach out to those folks, which means we need as many people helping us make calls. Please sign up for a virtual phonebank with Beto:

Upcoming events:

Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank
Monday, May 18, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank
Thursday, May 21, 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

The only way we can make things better is if thousands of people – like you – pitch in and put in the effort to bring new voters into the fold.

We can do this – we've gotten so close before, which means we know exactly how to get across the finish line.

Winning in November starts with us making sure every Texan is registered to vote. Please help us out and do your part by signing up for one of our virtual phonebanks.

Thank you for everything,

Powered by People team


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