Thursday, December 31, 2020

What a year, Jason

We wanted to share a recap of all the amazing things you helped us accomplish this year!

Powered By People

Jason: It's finally here, the last day of 2020.

Before the year ends, we wanted to share our thanks for being with us every step up the way. We wouldn't have been able to do all that we did without your help and cannot express our gratitude enough.

Here our some of our favorite highlights from the past year:

💪 Nearly 55,000 grassroots supporters from around the country stepped up to chip in whatever they could to support our organizing work! We're incredibly proud to have such a diverse supporter base, and to see our Texas work supported by so many folks with unique lived experiences and backgrounds.

📞 We made over 76 million contact attempts to Texas voters, broken down into 57.8 million texts and 18.3 million calls made by amazing volunteers from around the world! On top of that, PxP volunteers made over one million voter contact calls in Georgia for the runoffs.

🗳️ We helped register nearly 200,000 likely-Democrat Texas voters, and then saw record voter turnout!

🍎 During the beginning of the pandemic, we filled over 17,000 food bank shift hours across Texas before the CARES Act was passed by Congress. Plus, we raised over $240,000 for food banks around Texas and the country.

💙 And we did this all with the help of more than 20,000 volunteers who stepped up to call, text or knock on the doors of Texas voters for one of the biggest elections in our lifetime.

👀 As for what's to come in the future, our team is currently cooking up big things for 2021 (and beyond).

As you can see, we accomplished a lot of amazing things together this year and we can't wait for what's next!

If you want to help us start off the new year really strong, chip in whatever you can afford to support our people-powered organizing work. Our average donation for this month is $16.81.

Contribute $10

No matter how involved (or not – we understand, it was a hard year!) you were with Powered by People this year, let us say thank you, once again. You are the reason we were able to accomplish so much.

With thanks,

The Powered by People team


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Your last chance to volunteer in 2020

Last night, Powered by People volunteers made over 500,000 calls to Georgia voters. Can you join us tomorrow?

Powered By People

Powered by People volunteers did something big last night, Jason.

In a single phone bank shift, hundreds of volunteers from around the country made well over 500,000 calls to Georgia voters!

As a Powered by People supporter, you know that having personal conversations with voters is one of the best ways to increase voter turnout. And in an election as close as the two happening in Georgia, turning out as many voters as possible is vital – especially when so much is on the line.

Will you sign up for our last phone bank of 2020 and help turn out as many voters in Georgia as possible? With your help, we could reach one million Georgia voters!

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Wednesday, December 30 at 5:00PM CT (Tomorrow!)

Get more info or RSVP »

I don't need to be another person explaining to you how important it is that we win these Senate runoffs and flip the Senate. You already know why it's so vital that Georgians elect Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock next week. Now, can you do all you can and help us reach another 500,000 Georgia voters tomorrow?

Thanks for your help,

David Wysong

Powered by People

P.S. If you can't join us tomorrow night, but want to help cover the costs of calling 500,000 Georgia voters, you can donate here.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Not a fundraising email

Join us as we call and connect with Georgia voters one-on-one.

Powered By People

Jason, this is not a fundraising email. Instead, I'm going to ask you to donate three hours of your time to make an impact in the extremely important Georgia Senate runoffs.

Right now, Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock are going up against $43 million in ads from one of Mitch McConnell's PACs. We may not have millions of dollars of corporate PAC money to throw behind Ossoff and Warnock, but we have people power.

And as Beto often says, nothing beats talking to voters directly.

If we're going to win these races and flip the Senate, we need to connect with Georgia voters one-on-one. Can you join us tomorrow or Wednesday for a phone bank shift?

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Monday, December 28 at 5:00PM CT (Tomorrow!)

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Wednesday, December 30 at 5:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

When we needed people power in Texas, you showed up, Jason. We were able to break constant records for voter registration and voter contact, all the way through the polls closing.

Now, our friends in Georgia need our help. Can you sign up for one (or both!) of our phone banks for Georgia, Jason?

Thanks for your help!

Kate Roberts

Powered by People


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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Will you sign up to call Georgians with me?

Let's make sure that Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock and the people of Georgia know that we're with them.

Dear Jason,

I hope you and your family are healthy and are able to spend some time together and offline over the holidays.

As you know, Georgia is about to determine the composition of the Senate, the partisan advantage in Congress and the ability for the incoming Biden administration to effectively meet the immediate challenges of Covid and the recession as well as the longer term goals that could make this the most progressive administration in history.

Given what's at stake, we want to make sure we're all doing what we can to help.

I hope you'll join me and the rest of the Powered by People team for two nights next week as we call the Georgia voters who will determine what kind of future we have as a country. Make plans to call with me on Monday (12/28) and Wednesday (12/30), both days at 5pm CST.

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Monday, December 28 at 5:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Wednesday, December 30 at 5:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Let's make sure that Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock and the people of Georgia know that we're with them.

Looking forward to seeing you and calling with you soon.



Tuesday, December 22, 2020

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Phone bank in Georgia to flip the Senate!

We're hosting two phone banks to help flip the Senate in Georgia!

Powered By People

Jason, we've been looking over the results from our last survey and you've made your priorities loud and clear: we need to win the Georgia runoffs and flip the Senate!

That's why we are thrilled to announce two special edition Powered by People phone banks for Georgia! Can you join us for either (or both!) sessions to help connect with Georgia voters about the important Senate runoff election?

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Monday, December 28 at 5:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto for Georgia
Wednesday, December 30 at 5:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

So far, Powered by People volunteers have raised thousands of dollars to support the campaigns of Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock. But as we learned earlier this year, nothing turns out more votes than voter contact.

Having real conversations with voters is one of the best ways to turn out votes. And when the stakes are as high as they are in Georgia, we need to do everything we can to help Ossoff and Warnock win their races.

So, Jason, can you join us one last time before the end of the year and sign up for a Powered by People phone bank for Georgia?

More soon!

Powered by People

P.S. If you want to go to Georgia and help out on the ground you can sign up to door knock with the New Georgia Project here.


Friday, December 18, 2020

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Texas GOP is threatening succession

Ted Cruz and the Texas GOP are going too far. We need to flip Georgia if we want to change this.

Powered By People


Yesterday, members of the Electoral College officially cast their votes, finally confirming Joe Biden as President-elect and Kamala Harris as Vice President-elect.

But it wasn't easy to get here. Members of the Texas GOP signed onto a lawsuit that tried to reject the results of the election – Ted Cruz even tried to argue the case in the Supreme Court. Then, when the Supreme Court rejected this lawsuit, the Chair of the Texas Republican Party suggested Texas and other "law-abiding states" secede from the United States.

We need Senators who will do their job and fight to unite our country, not tear it apart. Can you split a donation of any amount between Rev. Raphael Warnock, Jon Ossoff, and Powered by People to help flip the Senate and fight against extremists like Ted Cruz?

Contribute $10

To be blunt, Jason, I am sick of extreme GOP officials like Ted Cruz and the Texas GOP Chair wasting our time challenging a lawful election instead of passing much-needed COVID relief bills. We need senators who will fight for working families, not right-wing conspiracy theories.

Thankfully, we have an opportunity to elect two great Senators from Georgia. Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff have been fighting hard against rampant voter suppression and millions in GOP spending. Now, their run-off election is in just three weeks.

Can you split a donation between Powered by People and these two great candidates so they can flip the Senate and work to reunite this country?

Thanks for your help,

Kate Roberts

Powered by People


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

I didn’t see your name, Jason

I'm sending these survey results to Beto tonight.

Powered By People

Jason, I wanted to make sure you saw our email from last week about our 2021 Priorities Survey. I'm sending Beto the results of the survey tonight, and I want to make sure your voice is heard. Can you take this quick survey about your priorities heading into 2021?

Take survey »

So far, we've heard from thousands of you about the issues and actions you're most interested in. Many shared their well wishes and messages of thanks, which we're grateful to have received. Others shared strategic notes, asked questions, and shared their personal stories. We're grateful for those, too.

I can't wait to share all of this with Beto so we can start planning for next year, but before I do, could you please take a few minutes to complete the short survey?

After all, this is a people-powered movement – and that includes you, Jason!


Cynthia Cano

Powered by People


Monday, December 7, 2020

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Friday, December 4, 2020

A couple quick questions for you:

As 2020 comes to a close, we want to know what you think Powered by People should focus on in 2021 and beyond.

Powered By People

Jason, we've said it before and we'll continue to say it – we wouldn't have accomplished so much this past year without YOU.

This is a movement powered by volunteers and grassroots supporters from across the country. And like any people-powered movement, we want to hear from you about what we do next. Can you take this quick survey about your priorities heading into 2021?

Take survey »

Whether there are certain issues you want to emphasize for the Biden-Harris administration or legislation you want to fight for here in Texas, we want to hear about it! You can take the short survey here.

Thanks for your help!

– The Powered by People team


Thursday, December 3, 2020

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