Friday, January 29, 2021
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
An update on our Letter to the Editor campaign
Within just two weeks of Senator Ted Cruz inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol, Powered by People volunteers sent over 500 letters to local newspaper editors, putting pressure on them to do the right thing and call for Cruz's resignation.
Hundreds of Texans writing to those in power, asking them to hold accountable those who have actively put our democracy at risk. No form letters, no planned scripts – real letters from real people, sharing why they wanted their senator to resign.
Since January 6th, three major Texas newspapers have called on Ted Cruz to resign after inciting the violence that took place in Washington, DC. People power – and public pressure – works.
I'm proud to be a part of Powered by People because of the work like this that is being done, and because so many folks are willing to put in the hard work and stand up for what they truly believe in. Whether you are a born and raised Texan or a supporter from afar, there is something powerful about seeing over 500 folks not only call on a powerful U.S. Senator to resign – but to advocate to the press for his resignation.
With your support, you have our commitment to keep doing the hard work our democracy needs! Donate what you can today to help fund our organizing work.
In solidarity,
Cynthia Cano
Powerd by People
P.S. If you live in Texas and didn't get a chance to submit a letter to your editor, you can write and submit that here!

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Friday, January 22, 2021
Can we save our democracy?
Jason, as President Joe Biden said Wednesday, "democracy has prevailed."
Wednesday's inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and the swearing in of Georgia Senators Raphael Warnock and John Ossoff, was proof that, though tested unlike any time in our lifetime, our democracy still holds and that "the people have been heard."
But for how long?
I don't need to tell you that we're confronted by the greatest set of challenges known to any generation — vaccinating an entire country before hundreds of thousands more Americans die; creating good jobs that get people back to work and purpose in their lives; confronting climate change before it's too late — these are the kind of threats that will take a nation working in concert to overcome.
And yet, at the moment we need a robust response from a government "of the people", our democracy is on the ropes. It's not just the attempted coup on January 6th, or the seditionist work from inside the Capitol led by Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. It's decades of big money and corporate influence corroding the connections between people and their representatives. And it's more than a century of voter suppression that has targeted communities of color in an effort to restrict the franchise and consolidate power.
You are receiving this email because you're part of Powered by People, a grassroots effort to strengthen and expand our democracy. We work to register voters and to ensure those voters know their rights and vote free of intimidation or suppression. We communicate with voters both in and out of election cycles, building trust, confidence and democratic infrastructure in the most voter suppressed state in the country. And we organize and empower volunteers, by the thousands, to do this work.
I can't think of a more important moment for us to be so fully engaged in the fight. Because, while it's wonderful that Trump is gone and Joe Biden is now our President, new leadership in the White House is not going to be enough.
We won't overcome the challenges we face if we aren't pushing every day to, as Governor Ann Richards said, "let the people in." The enemies of democracy aren't taking a break, neither can we. No rest for the weary, no respite for those in the fight.
That's how we'll save our democracy AND build lasting Democratic majorities than can see through the most important and the most ambitious national agenda America has ever had.
This year we will build on the work of the more than 20,000 volunteers who joined our efforts in 2020, work that resulted in the registration of more than 200,000 new Texas voters ahead of the November election and one of the highest levels of voter turnout in Texas history.
We will work county by county to remove barriers to voting and improve the ability of our fellow Texans to register and to be counted in our elections. And we will continue the effort of transforming the most voter suppressed state in the union to one that can be an example of what true democracy looks like.
Thanks for being in this fight with us.

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Saturday, January 16, 2021
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Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Call your Senators and demand they vote to expel Cruz and Hawley from the Senate
It's been one week since the insurrection in the U.S. Capitol and there still has not been any accountability. Call your Senators today and demand they vote to expel Cruz and Hawley.
It's been one week since the insurrection that took place in the U.S. Capitol and there still has not been any action taken to hold those responsible for inciting the violence.
Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, who led the charge with their hatred and fear mongering, should be expelled from the Senate. As Beto said yesterday, to allow their attempt at sedition to go unpunished is to become complicit in it.
Call your Senators today at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vote to expel Cruz and Hawley from the U.S. Senate.
So far, only 7 Senators have said they will vote to expel Cruz and Hawley. We are grateful for their commitment to protecting our democracy, but now we need to put pressure on the others to make sure violence-inducing traitors are not sitting Senators.
After the fear and violence we witnessed last week, there is no reason why those who caused it should still be allowed to work in the U.S. Capitol. Please, call your Senators today at 202-224-3121. Then, let us know how your call went so we can keep track of where each Senator stands on this important issue of national security.
Thank you for your help,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Resign, Ted
The message rings loud and clear across the state of Texas, from the Houston Chronicle to the San Antonio Express: Ted Cruz, resign.
Ted Cruz led the effort to overturn the 2020 election results in the Senate, placing our democracy on the altar of his own political ambition.
Two major Texas newspapers have already called for his resignation, the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express News.
These newspapers and other Texans of conscience, Republicans and Democrats, are showing that we will not let our democracy die at the hands of insurrectionists and those, like Ted Cruz, who incite them.
We understand that without accountability there can be no justice, no reconciliation, and no unity for our deeply divided country.
So while we will soon see Joe Biden sworn in as the next President of the United States, we'd be foolish to think that simply inaugurating a new administration will close the chapter on this challenge to our democracy.
It's going to take more than that.
With your help, we'll build on the work of the more than 20,000 volunteers who joined our efforts in 2020 — work that resulted in the registration of more than 200,000 new Texas voters ahead of the November election, and one of the highest levels of voter turnout in Texas history.
Your contribution will go directly towards our efforts to register voters, hold in-person canvasses, and expand access to the franchise for Texas voters.
That results in a stronger, better democracy, one that is prepared to put good people into positions of public trust as well as hold accountable those who've violated their oaths.
There's a great deal of work ahead for us and for saving our democracy. I hope you'll continue to join us in our fights to come.
In solidarity,
Cynthia Cano
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
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Thursday, January 7, 2021
In light of what happened yesterday:
Dear Jason,
I'm re-sending the below email to you in light of what happened yesterday at the United States Capitol.
Conservative columnist George Will wrote that the "three repulsive architects of Wednesday's heartbreaking spectacle — mobs desecrating the Republic's noblest building and preventing the completion of a constitutional process — must be named and forevermore shunned. They are Donald Trump, and Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz."
But of the three, it is Cruz who is singled out for giving the effort to overturn the Presidential election the "cloak of larger purpose" while "nurturing the very delusions that soon would cause louts to be roaming the Senate chamber."
There must be accountability and there must be consequences for Cruz's role in the insurrection and his cynical, self serving sedition which inspired the terrorists and coup plotters who stormed the halls of our nation's government.
Please take a moment to read the message I wrote to you yesterday below, which lays out the challenge we face and the means by which I believe we can successfully overcome it.
From: Beto O'Rourke
Date: Wednesday, Jan 6, 2021
Subject: Ted Cruz
Texas is at the center of the constitutional crisis that will play out in our nation's capital today.
The latest lurch towards authoritarianism — Donald Trump trying to shake down Georgia's Secretary of State to overturn his loss there; members of Congress vowing to contest the results of our lawfully-decided Presidential election; reckless right-wing Republican media fanning the flames of sedition — is being aided and abetted by Texas' junior senator, Ted Cruz, who will use his position of public trust to try to defy the will of millions of voters right from the floor of the U.S. Senate during today's vote to certify the election results.
You already knew he was cynical and lacking any personal honor. That could explain his enthusiastic support of Trump, the man who insulted his wife and accused his father of assassinating JFK. He showed us he was willing to put his personal political career over concern for his family or the interests of his constituents, that he would dedicate himself in service to a man he once called a "sniveling coward," a "pathological liar" and "utterly amoral."
But what was hard to imagine — even in the case of Ted Cruz — was that he was willing to sell our democracy for another shot at being President.
Trump trying to take down the constitution on his own, maybe with an assist by Rudy Giuliani in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping, is a farce. But with a cabal of corrupt Senators backing his bid to overturn a legally decided election today - it now veers perilously close to a tragedy for our democracy.
Because, even though this current effort to overturn the democratically-decided election for President will not succeed, it is now far more certain that a future effort will. The precedent will have been set, and someone more ruthless, cunning and intelligent than Trump will exploit it to overturn a future election, seize power and relegate this noble experiment in self government to the history books.
And Cruz is doing this — sacrificing our elections on the altar of his ambition — with only one purpose in mind: making himself the Republican nominee for President in 2024.
Our response at this moment defines our country's future. We either satisfy ourselves with the cold comfort that the immediate attempt to overturn the election won't succeed, maybe shrug off this seditious ploy as more "Cruz being Cruz," or we decide that we'll stand up to it and go on the offense to save our democracy.
That's why I'm sending you this email.
Texas, with some amount of poetic political justice, could be the state that overcomes this effort to undermine our democracy by restoring faith in the very democratic institutions that are under attack by Cruz and his confederates.
If, in the most voter-suppressed state in the country, we are able to improve access to the ballot box, encourage ever greater turnout, and ensure that those communities targeted for intimidation and suppression are the focus of our work to safeguard democracy, we will be at the forefront of the democratic response to this authoritarian threat.
To do this, Powered by People will spend 2021 registering voters, holding in-person canvasses, and working to expand access to the franchise for our fellow Texans. We will build on the work of the more than 20,000 volunteers who joined our efforts in 2020, work that resulted in the registration of more than 200,000 new Texas voters ahead of the November election and one of the highest levels of voter turnout in Texas history.
While some will cynically attempt to tear down what has been built over the last 245 years, together we will shore up, improve where necessary and restore faith in the institutions that have made the United States the greatest experiment in self government in human history.
I'm grateful to be in this fight with you,

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Ted Cruz
Texas is at the center of the constitutional crisis that will play out in our nation's capital today.
The latest lurch towards authoritarianism — Donald Trump trying to shake down Georgia's Secretary of State to overturn his loss there; members of Congress vowing to contest the results of our lawfully-decided Presidential election; reckless right-wing Republican media fanning the flames of sedition — is being aided and abetted by Texas' junior senator, Ted Cruz, who will use his position of public trust to try to defy the will of millions of voters right from the floor of the U.S. Senate during today's vote to certify the election results.
You already knew he was cynical and lacking any personal honor. That could explain his enthusiastic support of Trump, the man who insulted his wife and accused his father of assassinating JFK. He showed us he was willing to put his personal political career over concern for his family or the interests of his constituents, that he would dedicate himself in service to a man he once called a "sniveling coward," a "pathological liar" and "utterly amoral."
But what was hard to imagine — even in the case of Ted Cruz — was that he was willing to sell our democracy for another shot at being President.
Trump trying to take down the constitution on his own, maybe with an assist by Rudy Giuliani in front of Four Seasons Total Landscaping, is a farce. But with a cabal of corrupt Senators backing his bid to overturn a legally decided election today - it now veers perilously close to a tragedy for our democracy.
Because, even though this current effort to overturn the democratically-decided election for President will not succeed, it is now far more certain that a future effort will. The precedent will have been set, and someone more ruthless, cunning and intelligent than Trump will exploit it to overturn a future election, seize power and relegate this noble experiment in self government to the history books.
And Cruz is doing this — sacrificing our elections on the altar of his ambition — with only one purpose in mind: making himself the Republican nominee for President in 2024.
Our response at this moment defines our country's future. We either satisfy ourselves with the cold comfort that the immediate attempt to overturn the election won't succeed, maybe shrug off this seditious ploy as more "Cruz being Cruz," or we decide that we'll stand up to it and go on the offense to save our democracy.
That's why I'm sending you this email.
Texas, with some amount of poetic political justice, could be the state that overcomes this effort to undermine our democracy by restoring faith in the very democratic institutions that are under attack by Cruz and his confederates.
If, in the most voter-suppressed state in the country, we are able to improve access to the ballot box, encourage ever greater turnout, and ensure that those communities targeted for intimidation and suppression are the focus of our work to safeguard democracy, we will be at the forefront of the democratic response to this authoritarian threat.
To do this, Powered by People will spend 2021 registering voters, holding in-person canvasses, and working to expand access to the franchise for our fellow Texans. We will build on the work of the more than 20,000 volunteers who joined our efforts in 2020, work that resulted in the registration of more than 200,000 new Texas voters ahead of the November election and one of the highest levels of voter turnout in Texas history.
While some will cynically attempt to tear down what has been built over the last 245 years, together we will shore up, improve where necessary and restore faith in the institutions that have made the United States the greatest experiment in self government in human history.
I'm grateful to be in this fight with you,

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
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