Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Resign, Ted

The message rings loud and clear across the state of Texas, from the Houston Chronicle to the San Antonio Express: Ted Cruz, resign.

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Ted Cruz led the effort to overturn the 2020 election results in the Senate, placing our democracy on the altar of his own political ambition.

Two major Texas newspapers have already called for his resignation, the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express News.

These newspapers and other Texans of conscience, Republicans and Democrats, are showing that we will not let our democracy die at the hands of insurrectionists and those, like Ted Cruz, who incite them.

We understand that without accountability there can be no justice, no reconciliation, and no unity for our deeply divided country.

So while we will soon see Joe Biden sworn in as the next President of the United States, we'd be foolish to think that simply inaugurating a new administration will close the chapter on this challenge to our democracy.

It's going to take more than that.

Will you chip in $10 to support our work with Powered by People so we can keep up this fight for accountability and democracy in the new administration?

Contribute $10

With your help, we'll build on the work of the more than 20,000 volunteers who joined our efforts in 2020 — work that resulted in the registration of more than 200,000 new Texas voters ahead of the November election, and one of the highest levels of voter turnout in Texas history.

Your contribution will go directly towards our efforts to register voters, hold in-person canvasses, and expand access to the franchise for Texas voters.

That results in a stronger, better democracy, one that is prepared to put good people into positions of public trust as well as hold accountable those who've violated their oaths.

There's a great deal of work ahead for us and for saving our democracy. I hope you'll continue to join us in our fights to come.

In solidarity,

Cynthia Cano

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