Dear Jason,
We are pushing hard.
Last week we helped organize hundreds of people to testify against two voter suppression bills in the State Legislature. Folks drove from all over — as far away as El Paso, Nacogdoches and Del Rio — to stand up for the right to vote. They shined a light on legislation that would make it harder for Texans with disabilities, working Texans and Texans of color to vote and gave us a fighting chance to stop it by mobilizing public sentiment.
We also organized vaccination canvasses in another 17 Texas cities. Concerned about the disparity in vaccine equity, our volunteers knocked on doors in some of the hardest hit zip codes in the state, helping those who might not have access to the internet, or a cell phone or who might not speak English, a shot at getting the shot.
And on top of all that, last week we continued our work of registering Texans to vote. This is perhaps most critical of all. Because, if everyone who is eligible to vote can vote, we will be much more successful when it comes to challenges like fighting Covid, ensuring healthcare equity, and supporting voting rights.
That's why our volunteers are getting deputized as voter registrars in record numbers, ensuring that we are ready to meet future voters where they are and get them on the rolls.
Powered by People volunteers are pushing hard on all fronts. I hope that you can continue to support our work with a donation today so that we can continue to support these extraordinary volunteers with the resources they need.
Thank you,

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