Thursday, December 4, 2008

Communal Ethics Blog

Sometimes a sense of community far outweighs the price of sharing the benefits of one's land with those who are less fortunate. So it's not that hard to see the similarities between several residents sharing a single machine in an American condo building and several serfs single bucket near a Lord's water main. We all must do what we all must do. Share or Not Share? Payment up front or Pay as you Go?

The followers comments will decide the fairness of the community. The followers will not debate the importance of safety and compliance with laundry day dress codes.


Bo Mateu said...

we are far less fortunate!

i'm sorry i have to keep this short. my personal walker is coming in 30 minutes and i need to sneak in a nap before she comes. i'm very busy today with oscar and kennedy so can i yap at you later after i've feasted on my gourmet science diet dinner? hmm what should i wear today... gators turtleneck sweater or the microfiber vest...

uhm ME said...

The Blog would like to thank you for the update considering your tight schedule.

Also as a service to you and your busy calendar, we have cross referenced your profile interests with some other blogs and found a potential match.

Other people that have expressed an interest in "balls" can be followed here:

Jake said...