Thursday, February 21, 2019

What Beto did over the weekend


Beto hit the road over the weekend to visit communities across the midwest and once again hear what's on the minds of people throughout the country. The highlight of the trip was having the opportunity to meet with hundreds of students at Milwaukee Area Technical College and the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Beto also had the chance to speak with various news outlets along the way, and we wanted to share five of our favorite articles with you:

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Beto O'Rourke Visits Students at MATC [Photos]

Former U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke of Texas greeted students at Milwaukee Area Technical College during a visit to Wisconsin. He listened to MATC students talk about their concerns for getting jobs after graduation and spoke about inequitable wealth distribution, free tuition, gun safety and the environment. Read here >>

The Badger Herald: At UW Visit Beto O'Rourke Discusses Youth Engagement, Immigration, 2020

O'Rourke went on to say that he wants to listen to everyone, particularly student voices, because that is what will help him determine how to best help the country. The event was so well attended that overflow rooms were provided for students unable to get tickets. O'Rourke greeted and took a photo with every student in attendance, including those in the overflow rooms. Read here >>

Fox-6 News: 'Take the Time to Learn:' Beto O'Rourke Visits Milwaukee, Madison While Debating Presidential Run

The stop was part of his cross-country listening tour, meeting with students and different communities in an effort to help decide whether or not to run for president. "I want to find out how they're going to make America a better place," said O'Rourke. "And I want to take my inspiration, direction and guidance from them." From reducing gun violence to fighting the opioid epidemic, students at MATC met with O'Rourke to offer their thoughts on a number of issues concerning them. Read here >>

Wisconsin Public Radio: In National Tour of Colleges, Beto O'Rourke Visits MATC in Milwaukee

The former congressman from Texas spent more than an hour with MATC students in downtown Milwaukee talking about topics ranging from gun control to opioid abuse before meeting with members of the media. O'Rourke said he wanted to learn more about the role of technical colleges in communities. He said he also wanted to gain a better perspective on what it's like to live in, work in, learn in, grow up in and raise a family in the Milwaukee area. He said being at MATC was "very powerful."  Read here >>

Telemundo Wisconsin: Beto O'Rourke en gira por medio oeste mientras piensa posible candidatura presidencial

"Quiero entender las historias de gente que viven aquí en Milwaukee, otras partes del país para conocer las quejas, oportunidades, ideas para el futuro de los estados unidos." Beto dice que es un momento en la política emocionante. Añadiendo que aunque tendremos algunos retos a lo largo del camino, que valen la pena para asegurar un mejor futuro para todos. Leer aqui >>

Thanks for keeping up with Beto's road trip and sharing these great headlines.

Talk soon,

Team Beto


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