Sunday, March 31, 2019


Hitting our goal helps us to reach the people we need to talk to and meet with if we want to win. Not just in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, but in all 50 states and in every territory. And reaching the people helps us to generate the grassroots enthusiasm we need on the ground to build the largest volunteer network in the country. That's critical to being successful not just in this election but in overcoming the greatest set of challenges this country has faced in living memory.
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Beto for America


I'll make this quick. Tonight is our first official FEC deadline. We're trying to reach our online fundraising goal of $1 million by midnight.

We don't want to fall short on this one, and there's not much time left. Can you make a donation of $10 to help us get there?

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute »

Reaching our goal helps us to reach the people we need to talk to and meet with if we want to win. Not just in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, but in all 50 states and in every territory.  

And reaching the people helps us to generate the grassroots enthusiasm we need on the ground to build the largest volunteer network in the country. That's critical to being successful not just in this election but in overcoming the greatest set of challenges this country has faced in living memory.  

I'm counting on you. I hope that you'll come through again for us.

Make a $10 donation before midnight.

Thank you.



Reporters are already reaching out

Reporters are already reaching out to ask if I think we're going to hit our end-of-quarter goal. I really hope we will, but we haven't yet. Tonight, we'll close out our first FEC fundraising quarter of this campaign. This is the very first time that we'll put out a quarterly report on the campaign's fundraising.
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Beto for America


Reporters are already reaching out to ask if I think we're going to hit our end-of-quarter goal. I really hope we will, but we haven't yet.

Tonight, we'll close out our first FEC fundraising quarter of this campaign. This is the very first time that we'll put out a quarterly report on the campaign's fundraising. Our opponents and the press will be looking at how much we've raised, and how many supporters we have signed up as a sign of our strength. A sign of what we're able to do in the upcoming primary elections. And a sign of whether or not we have what it takes to pull off a historic victory against Donald Trump.

Can you make your first donation to Beto's campaign right now before our critical FEC deadline? Given how hard Beto is working to win every vote, we can't slow down or fall short -- that's why I need you to add a contribution today.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute »

If we can reach this goal, we'll send an incredibly powerful message to everyone out there about the momentum behind Beto's candidacy -- especially in this critical early stage. It'll make all the difference.

Thanks for chipping in.

Chris Evans
Beto for America


It’s up to each of us

I wish all of you could have seen the energy at each stop. We've been to 9 states and 38 counties. Heard from voters at more than 50 events, taking time to learn from and answer the tough questions. Just yesterday, we officially kicked off our campaign fr
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Beto for America


I wish all of you could have seen the energy at each stop. We've been to 9 states and 38 counties. Heard from voters at more than 50 events, taking time to learn from and answer the tough questions. Just yesterday, we officially kicked off our campaign from my hometown of El Paso. Surrounded by good friends and family, we were reminded of why we are running this race.

In ten or twenty years, our kids and grandkids will look back on this moment and ask, "What did you do?" We want to be able to tell them that we did everything we could while we still had the chance.

Without a dime from PACs, with everything on the line, it's up to each and every single one of us to deliver.

Today we face the first FEC deadline of our campaign, and our goal of $1 million. It's our first opportunity to publicly report what the people of this campaign are committed to doing to win this race. And I'm asking you to help us meet this challenge.

Please consider making a contribution of $10 today before we close the books on our first FEC filing of this campaign.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute »

Your contribution doesn't just ensure that we have the resources we need to run the largest possible grassroots campaign: it ensures that our democracy is once again powered by people, and only people. Not PACs, not special interests, not corporations.

If you can, please pitch in $10 before midnight tonight to help us meet our goal before the quarter ends.

We are doing something historic together. Thank you for being a part of it.



Where we are at on our goal:

When Beto announced, he promised we would build the largest grassroots campaign in the history of this country. Everything we're doing today is about staying true to that promise. Online fundraising is going to be the core way we fund this effort. No matter what you can give — whether it's five dollars or fifty dollars — each donation adds up to something much greater.
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Beto for America

Hi Jason — wanted to give you a quick update on this morning's progress. Right now we're on pace to land at 85% of our goal. At this point, the only way we'll reach $1 million is if we really increase our pace.

Rush a $10 donation to help boost Beto's fundraising numbers before we report them on our official FEC filing. The deadline is midnight tonight.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute »

We probably could have set this goal lower and hit it. But $1 million is what we honestly need to meet our budget requirements. When Beto announced, he promised we would build the largest grassroots campaign in the history of this country.

Everything we're doing today is about staying true to that promise. Online fundraising is going to be the core way we fund this effort. No matter what you can give — whether it's five dollars or fifty dollars — each donation adds up to something much greater.

Send Beto $10 before we hit our deadline at midnight. Your contribution could be the one that puts us over the line on this goal later today.

- Team Beto

Contribute »


Tonight’s goal

Your help now means we're able to build the infrastructure we need to run the largest grassroots campaign this country has ever seen. It means that we can run the strongest possible campaign with all people and no PACs, no special interests, no corporations, no lobbyists. This is our first official FEC fundraising deadline, and I'm counting on you.
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Beto for America


We're trying to raise $1 million by midnight tonight to make sure we have the resources we need to campaign in every state and territory, listening to people and sharing our story with everyone who is going to decide this election and the future of our country.

This is our first official FEC fundraising deadline, and I'm counting on you. Whether this is your very first donation, or whether you're chipping in again, I guarantee it will help make the difference -- especially as we get this campaign off the ground.

Click here to make a donation before midnight tonight to help us reach our goal. Each and every contribution adds up, whether it's five or fifty dollars.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute »

Your donation now means we're able to build the infrastructure we need to run the largest grassroots campaign this country has ever seen. It means that we can run the strongest possible campaign with all people and no PACs, no special interests, no corporations, no lobbyists.

Thank you for the help.



Saturday, March 30, 2019


Falling short of this goal is just not an option. Whether or not we reach it will determine what our campaign is able to spend to build out a national-scale campaign in these critical early weeks. Whether we'll be able to compete in every single state and territory, or whether our opponents will be able to out-spend us across the board.
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Beto for America


We'll get right to it: we need to raise $1 million online before midnight on March 31 -- when we close the books on our first official FEC fundraising filing of Beto's campaign.

Falling short of this goal is just not an option. Whether or not we reach it will determine what our campaign is able to spend to build out a national-scale campaign in these critical early weeks. Whether we'll be able to compete in every single state and territory, or whether our opponents will be able to out-spend us across the board.

We're counting on you to step up to help Beto reach our goal before the first official FEC fundraising deadline of our campaign. Pitch in a contribution of $10 right now.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute $10 »

Obviously, this goal is extremely steep. We don't have much time. But we have seen this team do incredible things when we're faced by a deadline like this.

Help Beto reach our final end-of-quarter FEC fundraising goal of raising $1 million by midnight on March 31 with a donation of $10 today. It's going to take each and every single one of us.

We're so close -- the finish line is within reach -- but we're going to have to really hustle to pull this all off.

- Team Beto



I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. Just this week, I started as Beto's new campaign manager. You'll be hearing more from me very soon about our plans to win this election. This is the sixth presidential campaign I've been a part of. What I've learned is that there is only one way to win the White House. No candidate can do it on their own -- not even one like Beto. Our only path to victory is if millions of Americans join us in building an unprecedented grassroots campaign.
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Beto for America

Hi Jason!

I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. Just this week, I started as Beto's new campaign manager. You'll be hearing more from me very soon about our plans to win this election. But first I need to ask for your help on something urgent.

Beto kicked off our campaign this morning in El Paso, and we're already facing our first big test: tomorrow's FEC fundraising deadline. We're aiming to raise $1 million online by Sunday at midnight so we can build the early national infrastructure needed to reach voters in every single zip code.

Take a look at our progress below and then give us a boost by contributing $10 to Beto's campaign before the midnight deadline on Sunday.

Beto's Goal Thermometer: We need to reach $1m!

Contribute $10 »

This is the sixth presidential campaign I've been a part of. What I've learned is that there is only one way to win the White House. No candidate can do it on their own -- not even one like Beto. Our only path to victory is if millions of Americans join us in building an unprecedented grassroots campaign.

Donating online. Knocking on doors. Texting friends and family. Meeting neighbors. Together we will put in the work to win and remake our democracy to truly represent all of us. I am so excited to be in this with you, Jason.

Tomorrow at midnight we have an exciting opportunity. Together we can show the media, our opponents, and the man sitting in the Oval Office just how strong Beto's campaign is in our first couple of weeks. We can crush our end-of-quarter goal and be well on our way to building the largest grassroots campaign this country has ever seen.

Our FEC report will be public for all to see. Let's make it a big one. Make a $10 donation now to help boost our numbers before Sunday's midnight deadline.

All my best,

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America


Beto is about to take the stage (in ~30 minutes!)

You can be part of this moment by tuning in at at 12:30pm Eastern, 9:30 am Pacific, when the livestream begins. (You can also share it with your friends and networks!) ------------------------------------------------------------
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Beto for America

Today marks the beginning of something huge, Jason.

Beto is about to take the stage in El Paso to officially launch our grassroots campaign. Rallies are also happening in Houston and Austin. People in every state and territory are gathering at over 1,000 livestream watch parties.

You can be part of this moment by tuning in at at 12:30pm Eastern, 9:30 am Pacific, when the livestream begins. (You can also share it with your friends and networks!)

Watch the livestream »

Then, get fired up for what's next. Starting in April, people across the country will be organizing events to talk to voters in their neighborhoods. We will need to reach unprecedented numbers of voters so we can build the largest and most inclusive campaign for president, ever.

It's an ambitious goal, but it's important. It's how we're going to win. It's how we're going to shift what's possible in this country. It's how we're going to make politics actually serve people. We'll need you with us.

Today is a big day, but it's just the beginning.

Get. Ready.

Team Beto

P.S. To build the national infrastructure to reach every voter, it's going to take vast resources. Please donate to help us reach our fundraising goal before the first FEC deadline, Sunday at midnight.

Contribute »


Friday, March 29, 2019

Refusing PAC money comes at a cost

In 2018, more than one-third of all donations to House candidates came from PACs. And these PACs, many of them run by corporations, raised over $3 billion to peddle influence and elect sympathetic politicians.
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Beto for America


All people, no PACs is way more than a mantra. Beto was one of the first few members of Congress to say no to PAC money, because he saw firsthand how special interests use campaign cash to control our politics in D.C.

In 2018, more than one-third of all donations to House candidates came from PACs.1 And these PACs, many of them run by corporations, raised over $3 billion to peddle influence and elect sympathetic politicians.2

Refusing PAC money comes at a cost. It's easier to get a $5,000 check from a PAC than to convince 500 people to give $10 each. But we choose to fund our campaign without PACs, because Beto is not beholden to any special interests.

Can Beto count on you to contribute $10 before our first official FEC deadline? Each and every contribution proves we can win the White House without taking a dime from the PACs or special interests.

Contribute $10 »

Our campaign is ALL people. No PACs. No corporations. No lobbyists.

When we come together, there is simply no amount of special interest money that can stop us. In 2020, when we elect Beto president, we will be able to look back and say we did it the right way.

Help us get there by donating before our critical FEC deadline. Make a $10 contribution right now.

- Team Beto

1 Source:
2 Source:


Real quick

Jason, we know you're busy so we'll make this quick:

  • We are just three days out from our first official FEC deadline. After midnight on March 31, we will file a public report on our fundraising.

  • Beto is playing catch up to other candidates with more campaign funds. Some of our opponents started with millions of dollars from past campaigns. Plus Beto has had a lot less time to fundraise since we launched so recently. Still, we'll be compared to other candidates for president in these reports.

  • We rely on people like you donating online. Beto doesn't take money from PACs, lobbyists, or special interests. That's why we email people like you to help us fund this campaign.

Can you contribute $10 before time runs out on our first FEC deadline? Your contributions today will determine the strength of our first public report.

Team Beto


Thursday, March 28, 2019

Saturday near Venice:

Beto for America


The people hosting events are prepared. The final invites are being sent. The excitement is spreading. Over 1,000 livestream watch parties are happening on March 30 -- in every single state and territory.

Beto Livestream Parties

These watch parties aren't just about gathering with people in your community to share an historic moment. These events will be the launchpad for a massive movement to reach every voter. We don't want to leave anyone out.

That's why it's so crucial for people in Venice to be part of this. RSVP for a watch party near you now:

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Livestream Watch Party | Mar vista, CA
11811 Washington Place #321, Mar Vista, CA
Saturday, March 30, 9:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

Livestream Watch Party | Los Angeles, CA
5933 S Halm Ave, Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, March 30, 11:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

Livestream Watch Party | Los Angeles, CA
911 S. Lucerne Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, March 30, 9:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

You can also find more events on the map, or host your own.

March 30 is our first on-the-ground step to building the largest grassroots campaign for president this country has ever seen. When we break our next records and when we pull off greater feats than we could've imagined, we want you to know you were part of this, right from the start.

We have a chance to remake this country into one that includes all of us, where everyone can live with dignity. Let's not hesitate to take it.

This is the beginning of something special. We hope you won't miss it. Go here to find an event on the map.

Team Beto