Friday, March 29, 2019

Refusing PAC money comes at a cost

In 2018, more than one-third of all donations to House candidates came from PACs. And these PACs, many of them run by corporations, raised over $3 billion to peddle influence and elect sympathetic politicians.
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Beto for America


All people, no PACs is way more than a mantra. Beto was one of the first few members of Congress to say no to PAC money, because he saw firsthand how special interests use campaign cash to control our politics in D.C.

In 2018, more than one-third of all donations to House candidates came from PACs.1 And these PACs, many of them run by corporations, raised over $3 billion to peddle influence and elect sympathetic politicians.2

Refusing PAC money comes at a cost. It's easier to get a $5,000 check from a PAC than to convince 500 people to give $10 each. But we choose to fund our campaign without PACs, because Beto is not beholden to any special interests.

Can Beto count on you to contribute $10 before our first official FEC deadline? Each and every contribution proves we can win the White House without taking a dime from the PACs or special interests.

Contribute $10 »

Our campaign is ALL people. No PACs. No corporations. No lobbyists.

When we come together, there is simply no amount of special interest money that can stop us. In 2020, when we elect Beto president, we will be able to look back and say we did it the right way.

Help us get there by donating before our critical FEC deadline. Make a $10 contribution right now.

- Team Beto

1 Source:
2 Source:


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