Thursday, February 18, 2021

FWD: Urgent Ask: Can you help us reach out to Texans who may need assistance?

We need help from volunteers like you to help us check in with Texans.

Powered By People

Jason, Texas needs your help.

Whether you can join us all day or just for an hour or two, we need your help checking in with as many Texans as possible. Millions of Texans are freezing and starving due to a lack of government aid and the failure of the GOP-supported deregulated energy system.

This is unacceptable and we must do all we can to help. Please, sign up to make welfare check calls with our team today.

No matter when you join or where you're calling from, our team will give you all the information you need to connect with Texans and share vital resources. We'll start with a brief training, provide you a script, and be available for any questions that may pop up.

Please, take some time today to help us call Texans and share important resources.

Thank you for your help,

Cynthia Cano

Powered by People

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Beto O'Rourke
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 5:52 PM
Subject: Urgent Ask: Can you help us reach out to Texans who may need assistance?
To: Jason []

Dear Jason,

I am getting in touch on the chance that you are able to help us reach out to Texans who might need assistance in the wake of this winter storm and the series of power blackouts that have left so many in a desperate situation.

We are activating all of our Powered by People volunteers to make phone calls into affected Texas communities to connect people with necessary services. We will give you a quick training, help you with an easy-to-follow script, and allow you to help right away.

Upcoming events:

Texas Welfare Check Phone Bank
Thursday, February 18 at 1:00PM CT

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Texas Welfare Check Phone Bank
Thursday, February 18 starting at 3:00PM CT

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Texas Welfare Check Phone Bank
Thursday, February 18 at 5:00PM CT

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Texas Welfare Check Phone Bank
Thursday, February 18 starting at 7:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Thank you for considering joining us as we seek to help our fellow Texans in need.



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