CONGRATULATIONS, Jason! You’ve been handpicked as 1 of just [25] California Democrats to participate in our exclusive PBS Legacy Survey. | | Jason, PBS has been a beloved public broadcasting service since its founding on November 3, 1969. For over 50 years, PBS has been a beacon of truth and integrity in a media landscape dominated by profit-driven sensationalism and partisan agendas. But now, PBS is under attack. Republicans are doing everything they can to defund and dismantle this trusted public institution. They want to replace PBS with more right-wing propaganda outlets like Fox News. We cannot let this happen. That's why we're conducting the PBS Legacy Survey -- to demonstrate nationwide support for PBS and help protect it from Republican attacks. Jason Ambrose | Status: 0% COMPLETE Conducted: November 25th, 2024 | | Response requested within 60 minutes. Please respond promptly to represent 90291. | Here's why we picked you personally for this important survey: • Your thoughtful responses to previous polls show you care deeply about the issues. You always take the time to provide detailed, honest answers. • As a top Democrat in California, your opinions represent thousands of others in your community. Your voice speaks for many. • With only [25] participants in California, each response carries tremendous weight. Yours will help shape our national dataset. So Jason, will you take just a few minutes to share your perspective on the value of PBS and its place in our society today? We'll hand review each response as it comes in. I may even follow up if I have questions! But time is short. We need your vital input before midnight tonight. Thank you for always making your voice heard, Alex M Progressive Turnout Project Public Broadcasting Service is not associated or affiliated with Progressive Turnout Project and has not sponsored or approved of this communication. | |
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