Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Can you join us this Thursday?

Monday night was an amazing start to our push to reach out to and identify voters who will support Democrats in Texas. But there are a lot more voters to contact.

Powered By People


We had our second phone bank since the runoff last night, contacting voters all across the state. In just one night, we were able to make 304,939 phone calls!

It was an amazing start to our push to reach out to and identify voters who will support Democrats in Texas. But there are a lot more voters to contact, and we need an even bigger army of volunteers to help us stay on track.

So, this Thursday night, Beto is calling and recruiting volunteers. Can you join him and help grow our volunteer base for our critical future efforts? RSVP right now to get all the details to join.

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, July 23, 6:30pm CT
Get more info or RSVP »

Remember what's at stake: every single call we make is so that in November, we can stop Trump forever and win a Democratic majority in the State House. In an election this close, your support could be the tipping point.

Hope to see you on the phone bank!

The Powered by People Team


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