Sunday, July 5, 2020

Texting Team

We're looking for volunteers to join our Powered by People texting team. Are you interested?

Powered By People

Jason, we all know Texas is the biggest battleground state in the union.

The latest polls have Joe Biden and Donald Trump neck-and-neck. But it's not just the presidential race that'll be a close contest.

There are dozens of consequential legislative races across the state too. Democrats just need nine more seats in the Texas legislature to win a majority. If we pull it off, we're confident we can not only beat Donald Trump, but we can dramatically improve life for millions of Texans.

Our secret voter turnout strategy is contacting as many Texans as possible between now and Election Day to find out how they're planning to vote. Right now, we need more volunteers to join our texting team so we can reach more Texas voters.

Can you step up and be part of the front lines of our democracy by joining the Powered By People texting team today? Even if you've never volunteered before, we need your help.

Join the team

If you've been watching the news and aching to get involved in the fight for our democracy, our country and our future, this is your chance. Voter contact work is the basic work that leads to us winning elections, and we need a lot more volunteer power if we're going to flip Texas.

Add your name if you're interested in joining the texting team now. 

Thanks for taking action today,

Kate Roberts
Powered By People


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