Monday, July 20, 2020

Winning in November starts with us

Last Friday, the New York Times featured our ambitious efforts around reaching every single Democrat in Texas.

Powered By People

This movement is gaining traction, Jason.

Last Friday, the New York Times featured our ambitious efforts around reaching every single Democrat in Texas, all in service of achieving our key goals: win a majority in the State House and stop Trump forever in November.

Headline of Beto in the New York Times

To accomplish this, Jason, we need your help — starting with our phone banks this week. Join Beto, our staff, and our team of volunteers to reach out to and identify voters who will support Democrats in Texas.

Virtual Voter Contact Phone Bank with Beto
Monday, July 20, 6:30pm CT (tonight!)

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, July 23, 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Over the next few months, we need to reach out to every single voter, get them registered to vote, and show up to the polls in November. The only way we can do this if thousands of people — like you — pitch in and put in the effort, week after week.

This isn't going to be easy, but it's certainly not impossible. We've gotten so close before, which means we know exactly how to get across the finish line.

Winning in November — turning Texas blue, stopping Donald Trump forever — begins with us. Please help us out and do your part, and join us this week for a phone bank.

Thanks for all that you do,

The Powered by People Team


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