Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Registering voters and helping Texas

Powered by People volunteers are pushing hard on all fronts.

Dear Jason,

I'm reaching out about SB 7 and HB 6, two voter suppression bills being pushed by Texas Republicans in the state legislature.

Last month, Powered by People helped organize hundreds of people to testify against these bills in the Texas capitol. Folks drove from all over - as far away as El Paso, Nacogdoches and Del Rio - to stand up for the right to vote. They shined a light on legislation that would make it harder for Texans with disabilities, working Texans and Texans of color to vote and gave us a fighting chance to stop it by mobilizing public sentiment.

Will you help fund this work and support these courageous Texans standing up for voting rights by making a donation?

Contribute $10

Texas is already the most voter suppressed state in the country and these bills will make it even tougher for people to vote. They include provisions that would restrict early voting access, make it harder for Texans with disabilities to get assistance to vote and would give "poll watchers" free rein to intimidate voters.

With our democracy at stake, Powered by People volunteers are doing all we can to fight back. We're testifying at public hearings, engaging with voters across the state and signing up to register voters in record numbers, ensuring that we are ready to meet future voters where they are and get them on the rolls. Join us in this work to preserve democracy and fight for voting rights in Texas with a donation of $10 today.

Grateful to have you in this fight with us.


Donate »


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