Monday, April 12, 2021

Virtual volunteer opportunity for Jason

Join Beto tomorrow as we call Democrats in Webb County to connect with voters and learn what's most important to them.

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Jason, are you free tomorrow? We could really use your help at our virtual phone bank.

Sign up here to join Beto and fellow volunteers tomorrow evening as we connect with previously identified Democrats in Webb County to check in about the issues most important to them.

Here's why it's important we have these conversations during a political off-year, Jason: People want to know that voting matters.

They need to know that it can make a difference before allowing themselves to have faith in the process of voting and participating in an election.

And having these conversations now (and not in the weeks just before an election) shows our commitment to work with each other even when there's not an election on the line.

Can you join Beto, Jason? If you're a conversational Spanish speaker, we'd love for you to attend!

Webb County Phone Bank with Beto
Tuesday, April 13 at 6:30PM CT

RSVP or learn more >>

Building coalitions with communities across Texas based on goodwill and off-year support is how we will be able to flip Texas blue in the years to come. Please, join us to facilitate these important conversations with Webb County residents.

Thanks for your help,

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