Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Beto vs Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz has proved over and over again that he does not represent Texans.

Powered By People


Across the country, we're seeing the largest coordinated attack on voting rights in decades. In Texas, Republicans are advancing dangerous voter suppression bills including SB 7, so Powered by People is stepping up to the frontline to fight for our voting rights.

Beto and other Powered by People volunteers recently rallied in Austin against SB 7 and the more than 50 other voter suppression bills moving through the state legislature. Beto has also been vocal about what steps we can take to fight back from calling our Texas state lawmakers and becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR) to putting pressure on the White House to pass the For the People Act.

But, there's one person who hasn't seemed at all concerned with limiting Texans' voting rights… Ted Cruz.

Senator Ted Cruz Verified @SenTedCruz

I applaud the TX House for passing SB 7, a bill to safeguard our elections in TX, despite immense pressure from woke corporations and the liberal media. The bill protects the voting rights of 29 million Texans and would make our elections in TX more accessible and more secure.

This tweet makes it clear: Ted Cruz openly supports a bill that would harm Texans. And he couldn't be further from the truth when it comes to SB 7. If signed by Governor Abbott, SB 7 would disproportionately impact voters of color, working Texans, young voters, and voters with disabilities making elections less accessible.

Jason, while Ted Cruz put his political ambitions over Texas again, Powered by People will keep fighting for our state. Please, chip in $10 or more to support our work to register new voters, increase turnout, and replace bad actors in Texas, like Ted Cruz.

Contribute $10

Time and time again, Ted Cruz has proved he does not represent Texans. He led the failed effort to object to the certification of President Biden's Electoral College victory, fled our state during unprecedented winter storms, and now he's unabashedly advocating for voter suppression.

When the stakes are this high, we can't afford to take any days off. Powered by People is doing the work every day to register thousands of new voters so we can overcome Republicans' voter suppression tactics and flip Texas blue in 2022 and beyond.

We're going to fight for our democracy with everything we've got. If you're ready to kick Republicans like Ted Cruz out of office, will you chip in $10 or more right now?

Thank you for your support,

Powered by People

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