Saturday, May 8, 2021

Phone bank May 18

Powered by People is hosting a phone bank on Tuesday, May 18.

Powered By People


Around 3AM Friday morning, the Texas House of Representatives passed SB 7, an egregious voter suppression bill. This bill would make it even harder to vote in a state that was already the most voter suppressed in the country and would disproportionately affect Black and brown voters, voters with disabilities, and working Texans.

SB 7 is now one step closer to Governor Abbott's signature, but our fight is not over. The competing versions of the bill still have to go to a conference committee and then will be voted on again by both the House and Senate.

Now, we need to use our people-power to connect with millions of voters to overcome these voter suppression efforts and win critical elections in Texas.

That's why Powered by People is hosting a phone bank on Tuesday, May 18. We'll be calling previously identified Democrats in Webb County and forging relationships that will make a difference in how these communities vote in the future. And if you're conversational in Spanish, you'll be able to help us reach even more voters!

Will you fight back against these voter suppression efforts and join Powered by People in calling Webb County residents, Jason?

Webb County Phone Bank with Beto
Tuesday, May 18 at 6:30PM CT

RSVP or learn more »

I know bills like the one that passed yesterday can be terrifying, but we the people decide what is possible and every single call we make brings us one step closer to a blue Texas.

Beto, Powered by People volunteers across the country, and I will be responding to the challenges facing our democracy by listening to Texans and growing our movement.

Please, will you join us on May 18 to make calls to Webb County residents?

Thank you for your help,

Cynthia Cano
Powered by People

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