Friday, May 14, 2021

We need two more people from 90291 if we’re going to meet our goal

Powered by People is hosting a phone bank on Tuesday, May 18 and we need your help.

Powered By People

We need your help, Jason.

Next Tuesday, we're hosting a virtual phone bank to call previously-identified Democrats in Webb County to talk to them about their priorities and the importance of voting – and we need two more volunteers from 90291 if we're going to reach every Webb County voter.

Can you represent 90291 and sign up for our phone bank next Tuesday, May 18, at 6:30pm CT?

Webb County Phone Bank with Beto
Tuesday, May 18 at 6:30PM CT

RSVP or learn more »

When you join Beto and Powered by People volunteers during canvasses or phone banks like this one, you're actively taking part in the resistance that is fighting back against the rampant voter suppression happening in Texas.

SB 7 – the bill would make it even harder to vote in a state that was already the most voter suppressed in the country and would disproportionately affect Black and brown voters, voters with disabilities, and working Texans – is one step closer to getting Governor Abbott's signature. That means we need to be ready to fight back as soon as it's signed into law.

And Jason – we fight back by connecting with and turning out as many voters as possible.

Please, will you join us on May 18 to make calls to Webb County residents? These folks historically have low voter turnout, and making strong connections now will increase turnout in the future.

Thank you for your help,

Cynthia Cano
Powered by People

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