Monday, July 12, 2021

Support Texas Democrats as they defend democracy

Dear Jason,

The Texas House Democrats are using their political power to stop voter suppression and lead on expanding voting rights.

They are about to take the extraordinary step of leaving the state and are making their way to our nation's capitol to ensure we can pass the For the People Act — the single greatest opportunity to protect the right to vote in America.

Can you pitch in now to make sure they have the resources to keep up the fight for as long as it lasts?

Contribute $10

It's going to take this kind of political courage to overcome the coordinated attack on democracy that we see across the country — from the big lie, to the insurrection attempt, to the effort to restrict the franchise in more than 40 different states.

Texas Democrats are putting it all on the line — leaving their capitol, their families, their businesses and their state in order to stand up for all of us.

Let's make sure we do our part by helping them with a donation right now!

Amy and I are in this with you. We just made a donation this morning and will keep donating for as long as Texas Democrats are willing to fight like this for our democracy and the right to vote.

Let's give them every opportunity to succeed, please donate now and show them we have their backs.


Donate »


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