Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"We're here to fight. I hope we're not alone."

Help us show these Texas Democrats that they're not alone.

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Yesterday, the Texas House Democrats put it all on the line to defend our democracy. Instead of sitting back and watching Republicans pass a voter suppression bill against the will of the people — they broke quorum and flew to Washington, D.C.

For a second time, Texas House Democrats bravely killed a dangerous voter suppression bill. This time, they took the fight for voting rights directly to the U.S. Capitol to call on the Senate to show the same level of courage they did, and pass the For the People Act.

Jason, this is so important that Beto and Kate have already emailed you about it. But these Texas Democrats need our support now more than ever to keep up their fight in Washington, D.C. So we need to ask again: Can you chip in $10 or more to help provide food, lodging, and other resources to these brave Democrats?

Contribute $10

This was no easy decision. Texas House Democrats left their children, families, homes, and jobs to kill the voter suppression bill. Not only that, they now face possible arrest upon their return to Texas.

Rep. Moodey speaking to the press after fleeing Texas

"We're here to fight. I hope we're not alone." - TX Rep. Joe Moody

Texas Democrats are making incredible sacrifices to fight for our democracy. We need to show them they are not alone.

Please, donate $10 or more to show Texas House Democrats we have their back. Your donation will help ensure they can continue fighting for voting rights without worrying about the resources needed to stay in D.C.

Thank you for stepping up to defend our democracy, Jason.

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