We're hoping to raise $10,000 by April 30. Can you help us reach that goal by making a contribution right now?
This movement is facing a tough challenge this year. We know that Big Oil will do anything to maintain the federal seats held by their fossil fuel allies, and that includes pouring millions of dollars into campaigns set on defeating pro-climate candidates for Congress.
With the climate crisis threatening to reach an irreversible threshold, we cannot let that happen. 2024 is a critical year to out-organize and use our people power to support a Green New Deal at the federal level. With a Green New Deal, we will finally be able to address the much-needed problems that the climate crisis has already created and protect our communities from future harm.
A better future is within reach, but that requires us to work hard every day to ensure our politicians are held accountable to truly address the climate crisis and reject the relentless greed of the fossil fuel industry.
Green New Deal Network backs community leaders and climate champions who are fighting for a Green New Deal, but in order to win, we need your support. Will you make a donation right now so we can hit our $10K goal by April 30? Every contribution we get will directly support this work so we can keep building power and the strength to support a Green New Deal.
Thank you for your support,
Green New Deal Network

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