Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Beto’s Medium post

Given the level of gun violence in this country, it's critical that we hold our elected representatives accountable for what they've done or failed to do when it comes to gun safety legislation.

Powered By People

Jason, Texas is in the midst of a gun violence crisis. More than 3,500 people died in firearm deaths in 2017.

Despite efforts from democrats in the state Legislature — and even though most Texans agree that this is an urgent problem that must be fixed — common sense measures like universal background checks are repeatedly stonewalled.

To counter this, we put together a resource to track how our elected officials voted on gun violence legislation in the 2019 session:

How to hold Texas legislators responsible

Please take a moment to read Beto's Medium post detailing this new resource and the severity of this gun violence epidemic.

And when you're done, consider making a $3 contribution to Powered By People, so we can continue doing the important work of electing legislators who have the guts to do what's right.


Given the level of gun violence in this country, it's critical that we hold our elected representatives accountable for what they've done or failed to do when it comes to gun safety legislation.

And if we are unable to hold them accountable in office, it's time to replace them with public servants who will do what's right.

Thank you for being with us,

Powered By People



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