Monday, February 10, 2020

Lagging behind

As we prepare for our next phase, we really need to devote the next few weeks to closing that gap — $3, $5, $10 at a time. Can we count on you to help?

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Jason, the election season is officially in full gear.

We've been planning our next moves and doing the research needed to launch another massive voter-contact program for our upcoming slate of candidates. But there's a catch:

In January, we were almost entirely focused on organizing in Fort Bend (as I'm sure you gathered from all our emails). The effort we — all of us — put forth was remarkable. That also means our fundraising has fallen behind pretty badly.

So as we prepare for our next phase, we really need to devote the next few weeks to closing that gap — $3, $5, $10 at a time. We only accept donations from people like you, Jason. Can we count on you to help?

Make a donation today of any amount and help us make up for the ground we lost in January.


It takes a lot of resources to pull off such an ambitious organizing program: fliers, ads, gas and housing, you name it. But the work is worth it. We mobilized over a thousand volunteers to knock on 41,000 doors.

Those are the kinds of numbers that we know can win elections. We've seen it before. But we're not going to settle for just a repeat — between now and Election Day, we're going to shatter those numbers. And your help today is what'll make it all possible.

Can you donate $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to help us get our fundraising back on track?

Thanks for everything, Jason. We have big things planned and we can't do it without you.


Dan Rowe
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