Thursday, February 13, 2020

Iowa and New Hampshire

Together, we're going to continue to build this powerful, inspiring, widespread organization. We'll knock on doors, make calls, and have the face-to-face conversations needed to build a lasting movement.

Powered By People


We're now through two primary states, and there's a few figures that keep jumping out at me. In Iowa, turnout barely kept pace with 2016 levels. And although New Hampshire had a strong showing Tuesday night, turnout is still lower across the board than many had hoped for.

Which means that at this pivotal time and moment with Donald Trump in the White House, people are staying home. They're tired. Scared. Heartbroken. I feel all those things and more. But we cannot allow them to define us, nor can we give in to despair. 

That's one of the reasons why we started our new grassroots organization, Powered By People: to help bring new voters into the process, and remind folks that politics should be fun, engaging, and aspirational. That when enough of us band together, we can achieve great things. 

Today, I'm personally asking you to make a donation to fuel our efforts. This is a defining moment for our country, and we'll need an incredible deal of resources to sustain this level of nationwide organizing.


Together, we're going to continue to build this powerful, inspiring, widespread organization. We'll knock on doors, make calls, and have the face-to-face conversations needed to build a lasting movement. And through it all, I promise you, we'll have plenty of fun while we're at it.

Thanks for all you do, Jason. I'm really looking forward to working with you.





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