Jason, Super Tuesday is just 12 days away.
For a lot of organizations — especially in Texas — that's their cue to start reaching out to corporate PACs, lobbyists, and special interests to build up a war chest and help buy the election for their preferred candidates.
We operate a little differently at Powered By People. This is our cue to ramp up our state and nationwide organizing — to get back out there and do the hard work of talking with voters and turning Texas blue — one doorstep at a time.
We can out-organize TV and radio ads, but something like that requires A LOT of resources. Which is why I'm asking you to make a $12 donation — 12 days before Super Tuesday. We need to start preparing immediately in order to compete with the GOP's deep pockets.
We know our candidates will almost certainly be outspent. That's fine. Because I've seen what this team and this state are capable of when we band together:
- In 2018, young voter turnout in early voting was up by 500%.
- We won more votes than any Democrat in state history.
- And nearly 1.9 million Latinos cast a ballot — that's more than twice as many as the previous midterms.
Now, two years later, we're staring down one of the most important election years in our lifetimes. And in order to win, we're going to need a lot more of that energy.
I'm so excited to be back out there with all of you, and so grateful for all that you do to support this cause.
Thank you,
Cynthia Cano
Powered By People

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