Monday, June 29, 2020

Fox News: Trump is down

Fox News just released a new poll showing Trump down by one percentage point in Texas. This is HUGE:

Powered By People

Wow, Jason.

Fox News just released a new poll showing Trump down by one percentage point in Texas. This is HUGE:

Fox News Poll (June 23)

Biden 45%
Trump 44%

There's a clear message here: Flipping Texas in 2020 is not only possible – it is within our reach. Even Fox News can't deny it. But that outcome is not guaranteed. It will only happen with a massive, people-powered effort to turn out Democratic voters.

We need you to step up right now. Help Powered by People stop Trump and turn this razor-thin margin into a historic victory by making a $10 contribution right now.

Contribute $10

Texas is not the Republican bastion it once was. That's why Powered by People is laser-focused on organizing volunteers to contact voters across the state. 

Already, we have made more than 600,000 phone calls to add net-new Democratic voters to the rolls. But we need your help to make the next phase of our work as strong as possible. 

We have a chance to shift the future of Texas and our country. Let's not hesitate to take it.

Thank you,

Powered by People



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