Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Phase 2

Powered By People

Jason, we're about to launch phase two, and we need as many people as possible on board.

Our ultimate mission is simple, but huge: turn out enough voters in Texas to win a majority in the State House and stop Donald Trump's second term. 

Next, we're turning our focus to identifying likely Democratic voters so that we can remind them to vote when it matters most. But to identify enough voters to win, we need you!

Can you help us start phase two as strong as possible? Sign up for one or both of these upcoming phone banks to help us identify key voters.

Virtual Voter ID Phone Bank with Beto
Monday, June 22: 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP

Virtual Voter ID Phone Bank with Beto
Monday, July 6: 6:30 PM CT

Get more info or RSVP

Or if you'd rather contribute financially, please pitch in to support Powered by People's organizing.

The only way to win is by digging into the tough, necessary work of identifying and turning out the voters of this state. It will take all of us, but together, we can do it.

Thank you,

Powered by People



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