Thursday, June 25, 2020

Trump 48, Biden 46

A new poll out this past week shows the race for president in Texas is nearly tied up.

Powered By People

Jason, a new poll shows the race for president in Texas nearly tied up.

PPP Poll (June 19)

Biden 46%
Trump 48%

Look, we don't obsess over the ups and downs of these polls. We keep our heads down and do the work. In fact, Powered By People volunteers have already called 650,530 Texans to get them registered to vote.

But it's worth taking a look every now and then to remind ourselves that we can do this. It's good motivation. We can flip Texas. Not just for Joe Biden, but for all the incredible candidates running for legislative seats and congressional seats.

If we flip Texas, we change America. That's why we're asking you to invest in our long-term 2020 strategy right now.

Can you make a monthly donation of whatever amount you can afford to mobilize as many Powered By People volunteers to register, contact, and motivate new Texas voters this year?

Make a monthly contribution

If you can't make a monthly contribution right now, that's okay. You can make a one time contribution at this link too.

But please contribute if you can, because there's so much work to do. Your financial support helps us:

  • Recruit volunteers for voter contact and GOTV events
  • Hire staff who can work with our incredible volunteers
  • Grow our base of support here in Texas and across the country
  • Operate expensive (but well worth it) tools for dialing, texting, and emailing voters

Please keep us Powered By People today by making a monthly contribution to help us flip Texas in 2020.

Thank you for all you do,

Powered By People

Make a monthly contribution


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