Wednesday, September 30, 2020
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With your help, Jason, we can flip Texas
Your support in this home stretch could mean the difference in close races decided by dozens of votes. Please make a donation today and let's give this everything we've got.
Jason, it's been awhile since you last heard from me. I'm David Wysong, Beto's former Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager. Now, I help Beto run Powered by People. I've been around all of Texas (more than once) and talked to more voters than I can count. So when I say that I truly, truly believe we can take back the State House and pick up more congressional seats, you know I mean it.
At least twice a week, every week, for months, I have watched hundreds of volunteers log on for our phone banks. Just last weekend, we surpassed 90,000 new voters registered across Texas — and this Saturday, we're planning on registering our 100,000th voter. Plus, we have passed five million voter contact calls!
Between the hundreds of volunteers making calls every single week to the local State House candidates stepping up and running in tough districts, I really believe that this year, we can do it. We can flip Texas blue. We just need your help to push us over the November finish line. Please consider donating to Powered by People before midnight tonight to help us reach more voters than ever in the next five weeks.
If that doesn't motivate you to donate or volunteer, just watch last night's debate!
Thanks for all your support.
David Wysong

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Back by popular demand…
So far this year, Powered by People volunteers have registered over 90,000 new voters across Texas – which is absolutely amazing. If you've been a part of this effort, we cannot thank you enough for bringing us to this point.
I know we previously emailed you about our last phone bank to register voters in Texas, but we're so close to reaching 100,000 voters. We're never one to turn away from a challenge – and neither are our volunteers.
RSVP to make these vital calls: | |
Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank with Beto |
After last night's debate, I don't think we have to explain just how important it is to turn out more voters for Joe Biden and Democrats down the ballot. And with recent polls showing Biden only 3 points behind Trump in Texas, we need to do all we can to turn out every single Democratic voter. But first, we need to register them.
Join us in registering 100,000 new voters and help us close Joe Biden's gap in Texas!
See you Saturday,
The Powered by People team

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020
7 candidates who could use your help this week
By committing to spend just 2.5 hours calling voters across Texas with some of these State House candidates, you can do your part in making sure that these important voices are elected to represent the people.
There are 7 Texas State House candidates who could win their election if we can call – then turn out – enough of their voters. By spending just 2.5 hours with Beto and these candidates on Thursday, you could turn around their races and make a huge difference for the rest of Texas, too.
In 2021, Texas legislators will be redistricting the state – so who we elect this year will be the ones making those choices and drawing those maps. If we want to fight against Republican gerrymandering and fight for true representation of residents across Texas, we need to flip the Texas legislature. Can you join us in this fight and make calls to support 7 amazing candidates?
Upcoming events: | |
Virtual Phone Bank with Beto and State House candidates |
I know the legislature hasn't flipped in 20 years, but imagine all the good we could do if it did flip. Beyond fighting against partisan gerrymandering, these candidates are champions of working people who will fight for healthcare access and economic prosperity for all Texans. It's a wonderful thought and a realistic goal – we just need to put in the hard work of calling and turning out voters.
See you on the dialer,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Monday, September 28, 2020
We’re in the home stretch, Jason!
Dear Jason,
This is the home stretch.
There are only 15 days until voting begins in Texas. That means there are only 15 days for us to reach those voters who will begin to decide the outcome of this election when Early Voting begins on October 13th.
Thanks to you, we've registered over 90,000 new voters in Texas since May (and hope to surpass 100,000 registered by the deadline of October 5th). Our volunteers have also made over five million phone calls and sent 35 million texts to Texas voters, identifying those who are likely to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot so that our candidates can turn them out ahead of, and during, Early Voting and Election Day.
That's how we're going to help win a Democratic majority in the Texas House for the first time in 20 years, expanding the electorate in these critical races and providing a field army for Democratic challengers and incumbents who might not be able to reach every voter on their own.
These tens of thousands of new registrations and tens of millions of voter contact attempts are also going to have the added effect of sending voters up-ballot to Congressional races, the U.S. Senate race (go MJ!) and even the Presidential race, which could make Joe Biden the first Democrat to carry Texas since 1976.
Help me and our Powered by People volunteers 1) register every eligible voter, 2) identify every likely Democratic voter, and 3) turn out all of our voters in Texas while we still have time.
Thank you!

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Re: Interest in Interactive Map of Electronic Signature's Legality?
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Looks like that you are busy during this time, which I could totally understand during this pandemic. This follow-up email will be the last one from us.
We would like to hear your thoughts on our list. Please let me know if you have any comments on it. We would love to hear your voice.
Enjoy your day!
Carol Li
Marketing Department
Carol Li
Marketing Department
On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 3:05 AM "Carol Li" <> wrote:
We haven't got any reply from you yet. Just want to check if you received our first email sent a couple days ago. Please let me know if there's anything that I can help at all.
All the best,
Carol Li
Marketing Department
Carol Li
Marketing Department
On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 5:13 AM "Carol Li" <> wrote:
How was your day so far? This is Carol from the marketing department of CocoSign. Our team focuses on developing online electronic signature services for different sizes of businesses.
Since working remotely has become a norm during COVID-19, people need more info about effective tools, such as esign, to flexible their workflow. Also, it is important to understand the legality of electronic signature in different countries before starting using it. Thank you for sharing so much useful information in your "".
Based on that, through dedicating much research and organizing, my team has made a map about the related law and usage of electronic signature around the world to help user have a better understanding of different regulation about esign:
Hopefully, it is helpful for you and your readers. It will be much appreciated if you could spare some time to look at it and consider possible inclusion in your feature articles.
If you have any valuable comments concerning this page and want to discuss this subject further, please do get in touch with me. We would love to work with you together for now and in the future. Hope to get your reply soon!
Best regards,
Carol Li
Marketing Department
Carol Li
Marketing Department
Did you see Kate's email?
These are your last chances to make a direct impact on 12 important Texas State House races.
Jason, you have the opportunity to make a direct impact on 12 important Texas State House races this week.
On Monday and Wednesday, we're hosting our last two phone banks with State House candidates from across Texas. As Kate explained in her email last week, the calls we make this week could make a huge difference in these elections. If we make enough calls, reach enough voters, and turn them out to the polls, we could flip the Texas legislature.
The work we do now could change everything come November 3rd, Jason. There is no worse feeling than sitting there on Election Day, wondering if you could've done more. Avoid that feeling – this is your chance to do more.
Powered by People
TO: Jason
FROM: Kate Roberts, Powered by People
SUBJECT: Less than 500 votes
In a moment, I'm going to ask you to phone bank, Jason. Let me explain why it's so important for us to do this work:
In 2018, we watched as amazing Texas State House candidates lost their races by less than 500 votes. It was frustrating to see so many real people, not bought-and-paid-for career politicians, lose by so few votes. And it was even more frustrating to see what the state legislature has done since then. We can't let that happen again.
By committing to spend just 2.5 hours calling voters across Texas with some of these State House candidates, you can do your part in making sure that what happened in 2018 doesn't happen again. We can win these seats. We can win a Democratic majority in the State House. We just need your help.
I understand that there are a lot of different campaigns and causes asking for your support right now. But by joining Beto and these State House candidates, you can help close the 500 vote gap we saw in 2018 in just 2.5 hours. Showing up to one phone bank shift can flip a race. Showing up to a few more could flip the State House. Let's do this.
See you on the dialer,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Texas is within reach
A new poll showed that Joe Biden is only three points behind Trump in Texas. With your support, we can reach as many voters in Texas as possible to help them turn out and elect a Democratic majority.
We're coming up on an important end-of-quarter at the end of September — our last big report before Election Day. And, unfortunately, because of how money in politics works, this is the best way to show the national stage that there is momentum happening in Texas this year.
A recent poll showed Joe Biden is only three points behind in Texas. This is the closest a Democrat has been to winning Texas' electoral college votes in years. We really have a chance to win. But now is when we have to put our heads down and get to work so we can close that gap.
In the last few months, Powered by People volunteers have accomplished some amazing feats. We've registered over 90,000 new Texas voters. We've made and sent nearly 40 million calls and texts to voters. We've worked with some amazing State House candidates to increase voter turnout in their districts. All of this was accomplished by grassroots supporters like you, Jason.
Thanks for your support,
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Domain Authority 50 for your website - Guaranteed Service
for only 150 usd, you`ll have DA50 for your website, guaranteed
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Alex Peters
Friday, September 25, 2020
Less than 500 votes
Strong Democratic candidates lost their State House races by less than 500 votes in 2018. We can't let that happen again.
In a moment, I'm going to ask you to phone bank, Jason. Let me explain why it's so important for us to do this work:
In 2018, we watched as amazing Texas State House candidates lost their races by less than 500 votes. It was frustrating to see so many real people, not bought-and-paid-for career politicians, lose by so few votes. And it was even more frustrating to see what the state legislature has done since then. We can't let that happen again.
By committing to spend just 2.5 hours calling voters across Texas with some of these State House candidates, you can do your part in making sure that what happened in 2018 doesn't happen again. We can win these seats. We can win a Democratic majority in the State House. We just need your help.
I understand that there are a lot of different campaigns and causes asking for your support right now. But by joining Beto and these State House candidates, you can help close the 500 vote gap we saw in 2018 in just 2.5 hours. Showing up to one phone bank shift can flip a race. Showing up to a few more could flip the State House. Let's do this.
See you on the dialer,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
(This Saturday) Last chance to register Texan voters
Beto and dozens of Powered by People volunteers will be calling and helping Texans register to vote before the October 5th deadline. Will you join them?
So far this year, Powered by People volunteers have registered over 90,000 voters across Texas. With the help of you, your friends, and your family, maybe we can hit 100,000 this Saturday.
But more importantly, some of these Texas House candidates we're supporting and have been working with this year lost their races in 2018 by less than 500 votes. Adding more Democratic voters to the rolls helps us win these races, and, by extension, a Democratic majority in the Texas House and the U.S. Senate. Imagine what we would be able to accomplish for working families not only across Texas, but across the country, if that happened – all because you helped register and turn out more voters this weekend.
RSVP to make these vital calls: | |
Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank with Beto |
Beto will be there too and helping out future voters. He can't wait to see you there and we can't wait to help make a difference with you!
The Powered by People team

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
We need you in this fight
Now more than ever, we need to put our heads down, get to work, and keep going until the polls close on Election Day.
It's been a tough year, Jason. I don't need to list out all the reasons why – I know you've been right there, living through bad news story after bad news story, too.
But we can't give up.
Here's why: Texas is as close to flipping blue as it's been in YEARS. We have an amazing slate of Democrats running up and down the ticket (including some of the State House candidates who will be at Wednesday's phone bank!) who are ready to flip Texas, the U.S. Senate, and the White House. And Powered by People volunteers have already registered over 80,000 new Texas voters this year.
There is so much to be hopeful for – but we're only going to win if we put in the work. That means all of us. Each and every single person needs to be making calls, texting voters, registering to vote, and reminding their friends and family about how important this election is. Are you ready to get to work?
Whether you're feeling sad, angry, or nervous about this election and the future of our country, I promise that you'll feel better after talking to voters across the great state of Texas.
It may only be 2.5 hours of your time, but the voters you talk to could be the tipping point this November. You could change the entire shape of our state and our country.
Don't sit this one out. We need your help.
I hope to see you soon,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Come have a beer with me Tuesday night
Dear Jason,
Come have a beer with me Tuesday night.
I'd love to celebrate our hard work with you. And, with 43 days still to go, it would be good to bring everyone together to talk about what we're doing to make sure we win the most important elections of our lives.
Powered by People is all about registering and turning out voters to win critical elections, like these important Texas House races all over the state. But we're also about building a community of dedicated volunteers who have found purpose and function in the tough work necessary to save our democracy.
Sometimes a beer, or two, helps to bring us closer together. At least that's how I justify it.
To RSVP for Tuesday's Beers with Beto event and to join the conversation with dozens of other volunteers and supporters, please click the link below. I ask that you make a small contribution to help fund the voter registration and voter contact work that Powered by People is making. Otherwise, just make sure to show up with your favorite beer at the link we'll send you after you RSVP.
Beers with Beto Virtual Fundraiser |
This should be fun!
I look forward to seeing you soon,
PS - back when it was possible, we'd often celebrate a hard day's block walk with some beers and fellowship. Here is a look back to spending time with our Powered by People team in Fort Bend:

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Friday, September 18, 2020
Here's what we'll win:
Dear Jason,
We are about to enter the most critical stretch in the most important year of our lives. There are only 25 days until early voting begins in Texas and 46 days until Election Day. The most defining election for this country is weeks away.
If we give these next 46 days everything that we've got — not just registering and voting and donating and liking stuff on Twitter, but actually doing the hard work of contacting Texas voters directly — here's what we will win:
- A Democratic majority in the Texas House for the first time in 20 years. They will be able to begin the work of dismantling the voter suppression that has kept this state down and move forward on the important job of expanding access to healthcare, reducing gun violence and confronting climate change before it's too late.
- A seat at the table during redistricting in 2021. Remember, Texas stands to gain three new Congressional districts. Those can be drawn to exclude Black and Latino voters, or they can be drawn to include everyone in our Democracy.
- Victories up and down the ballot. These state house districts that we're organizing in contribute voters to the Congressional races we want to win, to the Senate race that could replace John Cornyn with MJ Hegar, and — most importantly — help Joe Biden become the first Democrat in 44 years to win Texas' electoral college votes.
I know you want to do your part. I know that on election night you want to look back on these days not with regret but with pride because you gave it all you had.
Upcoming events: | |
Virtual Phone Bank with me and State House candidates Virtual Phone Bank with me and State House candidates |
We've called a lot of people over the last few months — over four million, to be exact. But we could double that number if more volunteers step up and joined this effort, Jason. And when that happens, our chances of winning the Texas House, the U.S. Senate and the White House dramatically increase.
Looking forward to seeing you on these phone banks,
Beto O'Rourke

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Thursday, September 17, 2020
See you Tuesday?
Beto is hosting a special virtual event and he would love to see you there!
With Election Day just weeks away, our volunteers have been working harder than ever, Jason. And the work is paying off.
Just last night, 480 volunteers made over 176,000 calls to register voters across Texas – increasing the number of calls and texts our volunteers have made to over 30 million. Imagine if all those Texans our volunteers talked to – plus the 80,000 voters we have already registered to vote – vote for Democrats up and down the ballot this fall. Texas politics as we know it would change forever.
RSVP below with a donation of $5 or more: | |
Beers with Beto Virtual Fundraiser |
The people-powered movement you've helped us build in Texas is only growing. Now, with Election Day looming, we need to show up with everything we've got. Polls are showing that a congressional district where Romney won in 2012 favors Biden by 30%. That's HUGE.
Thank you,
Kate Roberts
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to We are powered by grassroots supporters like you. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Phone Bank Volunteers Needed
We are less than 50 days until Election Day and we need all hands on deck if we're going to flip the Texas legislature blue for the first time in 20 years.
Jason, we are less than 50 days out from Election Day 2020. If reading that made you nervous, then it's time to jump into volunteering so you know you did everything you could to flip Texas – and the nation – blue.
Sign up for a phone banking shift today with 8 great Texas State House candidates and Beto: | |
Virtual Phone Bank with State House candidates and Beto Virtual Phone Bank with State House candidates and Beto |
The Texas Legislature has not seen a Democratic majority since 2000. This year, we're the closest we've ever been to breaking that Republican streak. But only if we put in the work.
If you're getting nervous thinking about how close the election is, or how some people around the country already have their mail-in ballots, it's time to refocus that nervous energy towards making phone calls and turning out Texans to vote. It will make a difference for not only Texas, but for the country as a whole. RSVP for a phone bank shift today.
We hope you can join us,
Powered by People

Paid for by Powered by People,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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