Tuesday, September 29, 2020

7 candidates who could use your help this week

By committing to spend just 2.5 hours calling voters across Texas with some of these State House candidates, you can do your part in making sure that these important voices are elected to represent the people.

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There are 7 Texas State House candidates who could win their election if we can call – then turn out – enough of their voters. By spending just 2.5 hours with Beto and these candidates on Thursday, you could turn around their races and make a huge difference for the rest of Texas, too.

In 2021, Texas legislators will be redistricting the state – so who we elect this year will be the ones making those choices and drawing those maps. If we want to fight against Republican gerrymandering and fight for true representation of residents across Texas, we need to flip the Texas legislature. Can you join us in this fight and make calls to support 7 amazing candidates?

Upcoming events:

 Virtual Phone Bank with Beto and State House candidates
Thursday, October 2, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

I know the legislature hasn't flipped in 20 years, but imagine all the good we could do if it did flip. Beyond fighting against partisan gerrymandering, these candidates are champions of working people who will fight for healthcare access and economic prosperity for all Texans. It's a wonderful thought and a realistic goal – we just need to put in the hard work of calling and turning out voters. 

This is your last chance to make calls with State House candidates and Powered by People. Will you join us this Thursday?

See you on the dialer,
Kate Roberts
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