Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jason, Texas needs your help

You have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of the second largest state in the country just by making some phone calls. Don't pass this up.

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Hi Jason,

2020 has been a difficult year for so many reasons. But it has also given us an opportunity we haven't seen in a long time – an opportunity to flip Texas, the second largest state in the country. 

Whether you're obsessed with the idea of Texas' 38 electoral college votes going to Joe Biden, or you just want to make the lives of everyday people better, we need your help. Because not only do we have the opportunity to flip our electoral votes, but we also have the opportunity to flip our state legislature for the first time in 20 years. 

With your help, we can take this opportunity and run with it. Can you join our mission to flip Texas by joining one of our phone banks with Texas State House candidates?

Join us and sign up to make these vital calls:

Virtual Phone Bank with State House candidates and Beto
Monday, September 14, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Even if you're never volunteered with us before – or volunteered in general – it's not too late to step in and make a difference. We'll teach you exactly what to do, what to say, and show you the difference you're making, all with Beto and these amazing state house candidates by your (virtual) side.  

I know we've said it before, but I want to say it again because it's important: You don't want to wake up on Election Day and realize you could have done more. You don't want to watch the electoral college votes tick in and think about the voters in Texas who never got a call. Let's leave it all on the table this year. 

See you on the dialer,

Kate Roberts
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