Saturday, September 5, 2020

Join us in making history

We're teaming up with more Democratic Texas State House candidates who are working hard to flip their districts. Will you join us in making calls to their voters?

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Exciting news, Jason!

We're teaming up with more awesome Democratic Texas State House candidates who are ready to fight for ALL of us in Austin! Like Beto said, we have two important tasks to complete this November: Win a Democratic majority in the Texas House AND win Texas' electoral college votes for Joe Biden. 

They're both important. And if we work together, we can accomplish them both. Sign up to phone bank for (and with!) these great 8 local candidates next week.

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with state house candidates and Beto
Thursday, September 10, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with state house candidates and Beto
Monday, September 14, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Even if you're never volunteered with us before – or volunteered in general – it's not too late to step in and make a difference. We'll teach you exactly what to do, what to say, and show you the difference you're making, all with Beto and these local candidates by your (virtual) side. Join us in making history! 

See you on the dialer,

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