Thursday, September 24, 2020

(This Saturday) Last chance to register Texan voters

Beto and dozens of Powered by People volunteers will be calling and helping Texans register to vote before the October 5th deadline. Will you join them?

Powered By People

This Saturday is your last chance to help Powered by People register voters before the October 5th deadline. RSVP for this vital opportunity today, Jason!

So far this year, Powered by People volunteers have registered over 90,000 voters across Texas. With the help of you, your friends, and your family, maybe we can hit 100,000 this Saturday. 

But more importantly, some of these Texas House candidates we're supporting and have been working with this year lost their races in 2018 by less than 500 votes. Adding more Democratic voters to the rolls helps us win these races, and, by extension, a Democratic majority in the Texas House and the U.S. Senate. Imagine what we would be able to accomplish for working families not only across Texas, but across the country, if that happened – all because you helped register and turn out more voters this weekend. 

RSVP to make these vital calls:

Virtual Voter Registration Phone Bank with Beto
Saturday, September 26, 1:00 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Beto will be there too and helping out future voters. He can't wait to see you there and we can't wait to help make a difference with you!

The Powered by People team


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