Thursday, June 24, 2021

As Beto said

Powered by People will keep fighting for our democracy on all fronts, but we need your support.

Powered By People


The For the People Act – the bill we urgently need in order to address voter suppression – is currently in jeopardy because of the Senate filibuster. This week, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans blocked the bill from even being debated on the Senate floor.

But no matter what happened in the Senate this week or what will happen next week, we won't give in or give up.

Beto and Powered by People volunteers from across Texas are keeping up the fight. We're knocking on doors and talking to voters, becoming Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDRs), and registering every new voter we meet in our communities.

Beto talking with voter

Jason, if you want to be a part of this on-the-ground work to register hundreds of thousands of new voters, flip Texas blue, and generate momentum around voting rights nationwide, will you chip in $10 or more now?

Contribute $10

Our democracy is at stake and Texas is at the center of this fight. In the past year alone, we've seen a deadly insurrection attempt on January 6 and the introduction of over 380 bills in 48 states to restrict voting rights. In Texas, Republicans are working to restrict our right to vote – but ignoring the issues that matter to Texans, like fixing the power grid.

This moment requires leadership, teamwork, and grit. Powered by People volunteers are already stepping up to the task in Texas. Now, we need our national leaders to rise to the occasion and abolish the filibuster. Simply put, it's the filibuster or democracy.

Powered by People will keep fighting for our democracy on all fronts, but we need your support, Jason. As Beto said: Keep the faith, never give up the fight, and let's go out there and win this thing.

Please, donate $10 or more to support Powered by People's work to register new voters, fight against voter suppression, and protect our democracy.

Thanks for your support,

Powered by People

Donate »


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