Last weekend, Texas House Democrats flatly rejected Republicans' partisan maneuvering and attempts to pass one of the worst voter suppression bills in Texas history. Late into Sunday night, Democrats broke quorum and walked out of the House Chamber to kill the dangerous voter suppression bill, SB 7, for the time being.
Democrats fought against SB 7 with everything they had and kept the hope of free and fair elections alive for another day, but this fight isn't over yet. This is only one of the many voter suppression bills Texas Republicans have introduced – and Republicans across the country are currently coordinating the largest attack on voting rights in decades.
We need to make the most of this victory and fuel ourselves for the fight ahead. That's why Powered by People is helping Texans become Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDRs) so they can register new voters in their county, urging President Biden and the Senate to pass the For the People Act to expand voting rights. It's why Beto is hitting the road to talk with Texas across the state about how we can ensure our democracy is accessible to everyone.
Texas Republicans are solely to blame for SB 7 and the numerous other voter suppression bills like it. But now, it's on us to make sure they don't stay in power. Please, Jason, chip in $10 or more to support Powered by People's work to register new voters, generate momentum around the For the People Act, and protect voting rights.
We don't have to remind our fellow Texans that instead of focusing on pandemic relief, extreme weather protection, and keeping the power on this legislative session, Republicans chose to focus their time in power on making it more difficult to vote.
Time and time again, Republicans have shown they do not have what it takes to lead. So Powered by People is mobilizing to protect voting rights, register 500,000 new voters in Texas, and engage more Texans in the democratic process.
When Democrats stick together, stand up, and fight, we win. Jason, this is an all-out battle for our democracy – we need you on board.
Thank you for your support,
Powered by People

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