Friday, June 4, 2021

Fort Worth needs your help

Deborah is the voice and leader the people of Fort Worth need. But she needs your support to fight back against the deep-pocketed special interests opposing her.

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Jason, Fort Worth has been critical to Democrats' performance in turning Texas blue. Now, Fort Worth mayoral candidate Deborah Peoples needs your help before her election tomorrow.

Deborah has been fighting for equality and justice since the 60's, and has been working to better the lives of Fort Worth residents since she moved there in 1975. During Deborah's tenure as the Chair of the Democratic Party of Tarrant County, she presided over an historic increase in voter registration and Democratic electoral performance.

As mayor, Deborah will look out for everyone, and she'll make history as Fort Worth's first Black Mayor. But just recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott endorsed her right-wing opponent with only two days to go until Election Day.

That's why we're asking you to take some time out of your day and support Deborah Peoples' campaign for Mayor of Fort Worth and sign up to phone bank with us the day before her election.

GOTV Virtual Phone Bank for Deborah Peoples
Friday, June 4 at 6:00PM CT

RSVP or learn more »

Deborah is the voice and leader the people of Fort Worth need. But she needs your support to fight back against the Abbott-endorsed candidate opposing her.

We know that the best way to increase voter turnout is by actually talking to voters, so please support Deborah's campaign by signing up for tonight's phone bank to help support her campaign before tomorrow's election!

Thank you for your help,

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