Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Please join me in committing to 3 things to fight voter suppression

Dear Jason,

On Sunday, folks from all over Texas — from Nacogdoches to Dallas and from Laredo to El Paso — came together at the state Capitol in Austin to rally for every Texan's rights to vote. It was hot and sweaty, and it was Father's Day, but over three thousand people still showed up to fight for our democracy.

Beto with his back to the camera, facing a crowd and speaking into a microphone

We heard from young Texans, members of the disability community, low-income workers, and others who would be most impacted by voter suppression legislation like SB 7. We also heard from grassroots organizers, pro-democracy activists, and the heroic public servants who have worked day in and day out to give us a fighting chance to save this democracy.

As we move forward, winning this fight is going to take a commitment from all of us. Please join us in committing to do these three things:

1. Keep up the pressure against voter suppression bills in Texas.
Contact your state representative to urge them to protect the right to vote for every eligible Texan.

2. Support national voting rights legislation.
Contact the White House to urge President Biden to do everything in his power to support the For the People Act.

3. Register every single voter in this state.
Join me in becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar to register voters in your community and win elections in 2022.

And if you can, please consider making a donation to Powered by People to support our work to bring the fight for democracy to every county in Texas. We can't do it without you.

Grateful to be in this fight with you,


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