Saturday, May 4, 2019

Beto 52, Trump 42 (take a look)

Beto for America

Our campaign is about driving home a positive, uplifting message about the future we can create for America.

BETO Together

That's why we're building an unprecedented nationwide grassroots campaign. All people, no PACs. No corporations, lobbyists, or special interests.

Beto and a big crowd at the El Paso launch

The American people are with us. A new poll featured on MSNBC's Morning Joe shows Beto is the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump — up by 10 points!

MSNBC poll: Beto up by 10 points over Trump

What keeps Beto's campaign so strong is our grassroots fundraising. If everyone reading these emails gives what they can, we'll have what we need to compete.

Can you contribute $10 now to keep us fighting for every vote and building a competitive campaign?

Contribute $10

Thank you for all you do.


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