Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Our government has been captured, corroded, corrupted

Voters in 2020 will want to know: who does each candidate listen to? If they get into office, who would they look out for? Beto has a clear answer, and he's one of the only candidates walking the talk. We're running this campaign of, by and for the people.
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Beto for America


For five years running, Beto hasn't taken a dime from PACs. In Congress, he introduced the No PAC Act to restore power for voters. Now, we're walking the talk by funding our campaign with grassroots contributions from people like you.

✅All people
❌No PACs
❌No corporations
❌No lobbyists
❌No special interests
❌No fossil fuel executives

Other candidates in this race already have well-funded super PACs spending in their favor. We know that we could be outspent in the months to come. But we believe that we can make something extraordinary happen by funding this campaign with donations of five or fifty dollars at a time from people like you.

Add a $10 contribution right now to help us run the strongest campaign without taking a dime from PACs, lobbyists or special interests.

Contribute $10 »

Winning the White House will be no easy feat. Donald Trump has already raised more than $30 million this year.

Voters in 2020 will want to know: who does each candidate listen to? If they get into office, who would they look out for? Beto has a clear answer, and he's one of the only candidates walking the talk. We're running this campaign of, by and for the people.

Add $10 now to help elect Beto. Your contributions ensure we can run a clean campaign on grassroots donations alone, without any special interests.

- Team Beto

"Our government is captured, corroded, and corrupted by special interests like never before." - Beto in Waverly, Iowa

Contribute $10 »


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