Thursday, May 2, 2019

CNN poll results: Beto vs. Trump

You have to see this brand new poll from CNN. Beto vs. Trump. Biden vs. Trump. Bernie vs. Trump. Harris vs. Trump. Buttigieg vs. Trump. Warren vs. Trump. The candidate that beats Trump by the largest margin...
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Beto for America


A brand new CNN poll shows Beto beating Trump by 10 points in a general election. Beto beats Trump by the largest margin of any Democratic candidate in the poll.

Beto 52%
Trump 42%

This campaign is not about running against anyone or anything. We're for the people, and for a positive, ambitious agenda. But whoever the Democratic nominee may be, we need them to be as strong as possible headed into the general election.

We can win this primary, and these polls show we have a good shot to defeat Trump. But we need to pick up the pace on our fundraising so we can compete with Trump's campaign, which raised three-times the amount we did in the first quarter.

Can Beto count on you to chip in $10 right now to strengthen our campaign and give us the best shot at defeating Donald Trump in 2020?

Contribute $10

What's striking about this poll is not just that Beto is running so strong against Trump. It's that he's winning by a much larger margin than the other primary candidates.

Beto 52/42 (+10)
Biden 51/45 (+6)
Bernie 50/44 (+6)
Harris 49/45 (+4)
Buttigieg 47/44 (+3)
Warren 47/48 (-1)

The fact that Beto is performing so well in many of these early polls is a promising sign. Especially since there are still large numbers of voters who don't know him yet. But we can't leave anyone behind or take anyone for granted.

That's why we write emails like this asking you to chip in. Every dollar donated helps us reach our goal of building the most powerful grassroots campaign this country has ever seen.

Make a $10 contribution right now to help us compete on an even playing field with Donald Trump's big campaign cash.

Thanks for helping us build this campaign.

- Team Beto



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