Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Leveling with you

Beto for America


We want to level with you about fundraising. No one doubts that we have the people or support to raise what we need. We've proven that time and time again. Team Beto has donated millions of dollars — all without PACs or special interests.

But lately our fundraising has slowed down. If we don't pick up the pace, we will be heavily outspent. In a time of 30-second TV ads and super PACs, the only way forward for Beto and our country is to run a people-powered effort like we've never seen before.

We had lofty goals for fundraising headed into April, and we may not make them. But we need to try our best right now to close the gap.

Can Beto count on you now to be one of the people who steps up to own a part of this grassroots campaign? Make a $10 contribution right now to help give us the resources we need to compete.

Contribute $10

From the beginning, Beto said this campaign would be funded by all people. No PACs. No corporations. No lobbyists. We're holding true to that promise. But we have to face the realities about the flood of money for our competitors.

A couple of candidates already had big super PACs backing them. And just this week, a new super PAC was founded to funnel unlimited sums of money into our political process to support Joe Biden's campaign.

We need your help right now to pick up our pace so we don't get heavily outspent. Add a $10 contribution right now so that we can run the strongest possible grassroots campaign for president.

We're trying to campaign the right way — the real way — by traveling across the country and listening to Americans, and by relying on the support of regular, everyday people chipping in what they can afford.

When Beto's campaign succeeds and we are elected to the White House, it'll be because people like you decided to click on emails like these and make it happen.

Thank you for all you are doing.

- Team Beto



Monday, April 29, 2019

The existential threat we face

Today, we are unveiling our framework to fight climate change. The action steps enclosed begin on day one when we are elected to serve in the White House. But given the gravity of the work that lies ahead, we know that this fight will require much more than a president signing a handful of executive orders. We will need to fully mobilize our democracy and economy — every single one of us, joining together — to defeat the gravest of threats to humanity.
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  en Español

Beto for America


The greatest threat we face — which will test our country, our democracy, every single one of us — is climate change.

The planet has warmed more than 1-degree Celsius just since 1980 — helping to cause historic fires, floods, hurricanes and droughts seen throughout the world and in the U.S. This warming is caused by our own excesses, our emissions and our own inaction in the face of the facts and the science.

But we have 12 years to shift course and avert the deadliest impacts that will follow warming of 3 or 4 degrees, or even more. The next president must ensure that we unleash the ingenuity and political will of hundreds of millions of Americans to meet this moment before it's too late.

That's why today I want to share our plan to fight climate change. The action steps enclosed begin on day one. But given the gravity of the work that lies ahead, we know that this fight will require much more than a president signing a handful of executive orders. We will need a full mobilization of our democracy and economy — every single one of us, joining together — to defeat the gravest of threats to humanity.

Take a moment now to read more about our plan on our campaign website. Then forward this email to your friends and family — we need everyone all-in on this.

We begin by cutting pollution on day one, reentering the Paris Climate Agreement and curbing fossil fuel production on public lands. We continue by making a historic investment in infrastructure, innovation, and people that mobilizes $5 trillion over the next 10 years to confront climate change head on. And we will leave nothing to chance: our administration will establish legally enforceable standards to guarantee that we achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050 and get halfway there by 2030.

In all of this, we will be there for and lift up the people and communities most affected by the dangers and destruction of global warming. Our administration will increase funding ten-fold to help vulnerable communities prepare for extreme weather. And we will be there for these communities when disasters do strike.

Much as The Greatest Generation met the existential threat to the western democracies nearly 80 years ago, and at the same time helped to lift millions of Americans into the middle class, we have an opportunity now to meet an existential threat to this planet by ensuring that public health policy, economic policy, and the engine of a far more conscientious capitalism is put to work in service of our ability to meet this challenge.

There's much more in the plan to read, so I would encourage you to take a look at our website. But I also want you to know that this is just the beginning. As we travel across the country and hear more great ideas from the American people in their communities, we will be adding more policy proposals along the way.

Today, our campaign is traveling throughout the Central Valley of California to discuss our plan. This is a region that has borne many of the most devastating consequences of climate change but also exemplifies the innovation and ingenuity necessary to take on this challenge.

This moment of maximum peril may also be our moment of maximum potential. Let us show ourselves, our children, and the world that when we come together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.




Friday, April 26, 2019

Will we see you at Beto's event?

We wanted to remind you that Beto's heading back your way to host another public event! Check out the details below and RSVP so we know how many people to expect.
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Beto for America


We wanted to remind you that Beto's heading back your way to host another public event! Check out the details below and RSVP so we know how many people to expect.

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Los Angeles Rally with Beto O'Rourke
Los Angeles Trade Tech College
400 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, April 27th
Doors open: 4:00 PM
Event start: 5:00 PM

Get more info or RSVP

Excited to see you there,

Team Beto

P.S. We need volunteers to help get everyone signed in at the events so we can reach out later with important ways to help Beto win. Sign up here if you're interested in volunteering to sign in attendees at a Beto event.



Thursday, April 25, 2019

You're invited to an event with Beto!

Together we're building the largest grassroots campaign for president this country has ever seen. It all starts with events like this one, where Beto can share our vision and hear from voters about the issues that are important in this election.
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Beto for America


There's an event with Beto coming up in your area. We wanted to make sure you got an invite.

Check out the details below and RSVP so we know how many people to expect.

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Los Angeles Rally with Beto O'Rourke
Los Angeles Trade Tech College
400 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Doors open: 4:00 PM
Event starts: 5:00 PM

Get more info or RSVP

Together we're building the largest grassroots campaign for president this country has ever seen. It all starts with events like this one, where Beto can share our vision and hear from voters about the issues that are important in this election.

Excited to see you out there! Make sure to bring a friend (or two or three).

- Team Beto

P.S. We need volunteers to help get everyone signed in at the events so we can reach out later with important ways to help Beto win. Sign up here if you're interested in volunteering to sign in attendees at a Beto event.



Joe Biden

Joe Biden just announced he's officially running. The field is the biggest in the history of the modern Democratic Party, and this presidential primary is wide open.
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Beto for America


Joe Biden just announced he's officially running. The field is the biggest in the history of the modern Democratic Party, and this presidential primary is wide open.

Today is an important day to show the strength of our grassroots campaign, especially given the fact that the former vice president has already been collecting checks from major donors for a week leading up to this launch.

We aren't starting with the same level of name recognition as Joe Biden. But we can win by making sure every voter is heard and no one is left behind or taken for granted.

Can you make a $10 contribution to Beto right now? It's time to accelerate our fundraising so we can stand out in this unprecedentedly large field of Democratic candidates for president.

Contribute $10 »

Beto is running to build the largest-ever grassroots campaign — one capable of bringing new ideas and bold ambitions to the White House. Let's show today how strong our campaign is by getting as many people to donate as possible.

- Team Beto


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Beto is headed your way!

Beto is back on the campaign trail and headed to an event near you. This is your chance to meet Beto and join a discussion about the important issues in this presidential election.
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Beto for America


Beto is back on the campaign trail and headed to an event near you. This is your chance to meet Beto and join a discussion about the important issues in this presidential election.

Can you RSVP so that we can get an accurate count of all the people who are coming?

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Los Angeles Rally with Beto O'Rourke
Los Angeles Trade Tech College
400 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, April 27, 3:30 PM

Get more info or RSVP

Make sure to share this invite with friends and family. Forward them this email or share the event pages on social media. We want as many people there as possible!

See you soon,

Team Beto

P.S. We need volunteers to help get everyone signed in at the events so we can reach out later with important ways to help Beto win. Sign up here if you're interested in volunteering to sign in attendees at a Beto event.



This is completely unprecedented -- and a really good sign for Democrats who want to defeat Trump

Another Democratic candidate just jumped in the race for president bringing the number up to 19 so far. We're expecting more to join too! This is completely unprecedented in the history of the Democratic Party. Just look at the historic comparison:
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Beto for America


Another Democratic candidate just jumped in the race for president bringing the number up to 19 so far. We're expecting more to join too! This is completely unprecedented in the history of the Democratic Party. Just look at the comparison:

Year Democrats Running
2020 19
2016 6
2008 8
2004 10
2000 3

Overall, this is a really good sign for those who want to beat Donald Trump in 2020. More competition, more ideas, and more energy will help us win the White House.

At the end of the day, voters are looking for the candidate that can put forth a bold, ambitious agenda and bring people together to run a powerful grassroots campaign. No one else is better prepared to do that than Beto and the team we are building together.

Can you contribute $10 today to show the kind of people-powered momentum we need for Beto to win in this wide-open Democratic field? Each donation helps us run a stronger campaign and earn more votes.

Contribute $10 »

From day one, Beto said we were going to run this campaign by the people and for the people. That's why we aren't accepting money from PACs, federal lobbyists or corporations. And it's why we were the first campaign to launch a nationwide voter contact program to reach every voter.

But with so many candidates running, we run the risk of falling behind if we don't raise enough money to compete hard in these early stages. That's why we're asking now.

Make a $10 contribution to our campaign today.

Beto is the candidate who represents our best shot to defeat Donald Trump and bring about real, lasting change in the White House. Not just because he's a great candidate, but because of the power of the grassroots campaign we are building.

We're so glad to have you on our team.

- Team Beto


Sunday, April 21, 2019

We’re writing to ask for your help to meet this moment. Trump just set a fundraising record for an incumbent president. We need the resources to compete.

We will be heavily outspent. Donald Trump just set a record for an incumbent president at this stage in the cycle by reporting $40 million in cash on hand. His campaign is fueled by big money donors and PACs. Just last week, he held fundraising events in Texas that brought in millions including checks from big donors. We can't underestimate his chances at holding the White House.
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Beto for America


We've already accomplished amazing things in a short amount of time. But now we need to rise to meet this moment.

We will be heavily outspent. Donald Trump just set a record for an incumbent president at this stage in the cycle by reporting $40 million in cash on hand. His campaign is fueled by big money donors and PACs. Just last week, he held fundraising events in Texas that brought in millions including checks from big donors. We can't underestimate his chances at holding the White House.

This campaign is different. It's ALL people. Not a dime from PACs, corporations, or special interests. That's why we need your help. We rely on online fundraising to compete -- that means people like you, reading emails like this one, contributing what you can.

Can Beto count on you to contribute $10 now so we have the resources to take on Trump? If everyone reading these emails gives a little bit, we can overcome any challenge thrown our way.

Contribute $10 »

Here's just a bit of what we've already accomplished:

  • Beto has visited more towns and cities than any other candidate to talk and listen to real people about the ways we can move our country forward.
  • We broke a record in grassroots support on the first day of the campaign.
  • Volunteers organized events in every state and territory during Beto's launch rally.
  • We've launched a full-scale, 50-state voter contact program. No other presidential campaign has started a program to talk to voters this quickly.

All of these efforts are funded by your contributions. From $5 to $50, it all helps.

Chip in $10 to Beto today to make sure our campaign has the resources to reach every voter. Let's prove that together, we've got the determination, heart, and sheer numbers to challenge a president with vast resources -- and win.

Our best shot at changing the course of our country is all of us coming together at this moment, for something greater than ourselves.

Now let's get after it -- with all of our strength.

Team Beto


Friday, April 19, 2019

The urgency of uniting a massive, grassroots movement to elect a new president is clear

The Mueller report was released yesterday. Direct voter contact is the best way to ensure we do not see another four years of Trump.
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Beto for America

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Beto just traveled across New Hampshire as part of his trip to listen to Americans across the country -- but there is no way he can personally reach all of the voters we need to win this election. That means he needs your help now.

With the Mueller report out yesterday, the urgency of uniting a massive, grassroots movement to stop another Trump presidency and elect a new president who will protect democracy is clear.

We need more volunteers stepping up to talk to voters. Direct voter contact is the best way to ensure we do not see another four years of Trump, and people need to hear about our vision for the country. RSVP for an upcoming canvass event for Beto near you:

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Canvass for Beto | Venice
1103 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA
Saturday, April 27, 2:00 PM

Get more info or RSVP »

Canvass for Beto | Los Angeles
3456 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, April 27, 11:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

You can also host your own or find more on the map.

The Mueller report paints a picture about what happened during the 2016 election and inside Trump's White House: a repeated acceptance of help from a foreign power and then an effort to cover it up.

We need to build a united, unprecedented effort to elect a president who will protect our democracy and work as hard as humanly possible to represent all of us. That's exactly what Beto will do. His politics and actions will never be defined by personal gain.

That's why Beto is traveling night and day to talk to people everywhere. That's why he's refusing any money from PACs, corporations, and special interests. The only way we will overcome the threats to our democracy is if we build a movement by all of us, for all of us.

That means we have to talk to every voter. Can Beto count on you to help?


Team Beto



Thursday, April 18, 2019

We want you to know why, Jason

We've been sending you a lot of emails asking for donations, and we want you to know why.
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Beto for America

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We've been sending you a lot of emails asking for donations, and we want you to know why.

It's not just that it requires a huge amount of money to run a competitive campaign. It's also that we're actually trying to change how politics fundamentally works in this country -- by building not just a campaign, but a movement that will listen and talk to more people than any presidential effort has ever done before.

We're dedicating the majority of our resources to make this a real, people-powered movement -- setting up the tools to reach voters in every zip code, organizing town halls for Beto to talk to those who've been overlooked for far too long, letting people know about events near them, and hiring the staff to train and support volunteers in every corner of this country.

But with all of the organizing we've been doing, we're behind on the fundraising required to pull all of this off. So we're asking now, because it really matters:

Can we count on you to make a $10 investment right now? We need your help to build the movement that can fundamentally change our politics in this country.

Contribute $10 »

We're 100% funded by people -- not a dime from PACs, corporations, or special interests. We will never be corrupted by the influence of big money.

Together, we can create a new politics that represents all of us. No one left out. Already, Beto has visited more towns than any other candidate, and we've launched a 50-state voter contact program. But to keep sustaining our growing movement, it'll require thousands of people like you, giving what you can each time.

Please pitch in what you can today. Every contribution matters and gets us closer towards the vision for our country we want to build.

Thank you,

Beto Organizing Team


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

63, 3791, 476, 0, and 50

Our campaign just turned one month old! We've already accomplished so much.
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Beto for America
Our campaign just turned one month!
Look at these numbers
Can you contribute?

You can make a contribution today to fuel our campaign using this link. »


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Can I explain our three big priorities?

Beto for America


In just a moment, I'm going to ask you to make a donation to Beto's campaign. But first I wanted to send along a rough outline of some of our campaign's most important strategic priorities. Here's how I see it:

  1. Beto is working his heart out to earn votes.
    • Beto is on the road, talking to people and generating local media coverage.
    • 83 campaign stops so far (more than any other candidate).
    • 476 questions from voters taken.
  1. We're activating our grassroots voter contact machine.
    • Hundreds of volunteer events are already on the map.
    • Thousands of Beto supporters are knocking on doors.
    • We're using scientifically proven tactics like canvassing to earn votes.
  1. People-powered fundraising.
    • All people, no PACs. Funding this campaign with emails like this one.
    • Donations help us hire organizers state-by-state and eventually to run advertisements to introduce Beto to voters who don't know him yet.

It's too early to put stock in the polls, but we are in a good position up near the top of a large field. Every dollar donated -- especially at this early stage -- helps Beto gain upward momentum in this race. Can you make another donation today? Chip in here:


Beto will win this race if and only if all of us come together to build a grassroots campaign as big as this moment requires. I hope you can chip in today -- if everyone gives a little bit we will be an unstoppable force.

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America