Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Beto can’t talk to every voter alone. He’s counting on people in Venice.

Beto for America


Beto is working his heart out to talk to voters everywhere -- but he can't do it alone. Already, he's covered thousands of miles, held 84 events, and visited 57 towns and cities. Now, he's counting on you to talk to voters in Venice.

The truth is that we don't have time to lose, even if this election seems like a long way off. To win, we need to talk to millions of voters before election day -- which means we have to start immediately.

So this weekend, April 13-14, we're launching our 50-state program to talk to every voter. No campaign for president has ever launched a full 50-state program this quickly, right out of the gate. This is the kind of ambition needed to meet the scale of the crises we face.

It's critical that people in Venice start knocking on doors and talking to voters at canvass events this weekend. Please sign up for one now.

Events near: 90291

Wrong zip code? Let us know!

Canvass for Beto | Los Angeles
3951 Minerva Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, April 13, 5:00 PM

Get more info or RSVP »

Canvass for Beto | Los Angeles
3456 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Saturday, April 13, 11:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

Canvass for Beto | Los Angeles
3456 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, April 14, 11:00 AM

Get more info or RSVP »

You can also host your own or find more on the map.

When you show up for the canvass, you'll meet other volunteers, get trained, and start knocking on doors. You'll ask a few questions, note the results on your phone, and depending on their answers you might share why you personally support Beto. But the real key is listening. It's not hard.

You've heard us say before that this campaign is all about people-talking-to-people. That's how we're going to sway hearts and minds -- and win this election. No expensive television ads funded by PACs, corporations, or special interests. It'll be all people, all the time, everywhere.

This is where the rubber meets the road. Beto is doing his part talking to voters. Will you do yours?


Team Beto



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