We've already accomplished amazing things in a short amount of time. But now we need to rise to meet this moment.
We will be heavily outspent. Donald Trump just set a record for an incumbent president at this stage in the cycle by reporting $40 million in cash on hand. His campaign is fueled by big money donors and PACs. Just last week, he held fundraising events in Texas that brought in millions including checks from big donors. We can't underestimate his chances at holding the White House.
This campaign is different. It's ALL people. Not a dime from PACs, corporations, or special interests. That's why we need your help. We rely on online fundraising to compete -- that means people like you, reading emails like this one, contributing what you can.
Here's just a bit of what we've already accomplished:
- Beto has visited more towns and cities than any other candidate to talk and listen to real people about the ways we can move our country forward.
- We broke a record in grassroots support on the first day of the campaign.
- Volunteers organized events in every state and territory during Beto's launch rally.
- We've launched a full-scale, 50-state voter contact program. No other presidential campaign has started a program to talk to voters this quickly.
All of these efforts are funded by your contributions. From $5 to $50, it all helps.
Our best shot at changing the course of our country is all of us coming together at this moment, for something greater than ourselves.
Now let's get after it -- with all of our strength.
Team Beto

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