Saturday, April 13, 2019

Can I explain our three big priorities?

Beto for America


In just a moment, I'm going to ask you to make a donation to Beto's campaign. But first I wanted to send along a rough outline of some of our campaign's most important strategic priorities. Here's how I see it:

  1. Beto is working his heart out to earn votes.
    • Beto is on the road, talking to people and generating local media coverage.
    • 83 campaign stops so far (more than any other candidate).
    • 476 questions from voters taken.
  1. We're activating our grassroots voter contact machine.
    • Hundreds of volunteer events are already on the map.
    • Thousands of Beto supporters are knocking on doors.
    • We're using scientifically proven tactics like canvassing to earn votes.
  1. People-powered fundraising.
    • All people, no PACs. Funding this campaign with emails like this one.
    • Donations help us hire organizers state-by-state and eventually to run advertisements to introduce Beto to voters who don't know him yet.

It's too early to put stock in the polls, but we are in a good position up near the top of a large field. Every dollar donated -- especially at this early stage -- helps Beto gain upward momentum in this race. Can you make another donation today? Chip in here:

Beto will win this race if and only if all of us come together to build a grassroots campaign as big as this moment requires. I hope you can chip in today -- if everyone gives a little bit we will be an unstoppable force.

Jen O'Malley Dillon
Campaign Manager
Beto for America


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