Monday, April 8, 2019

42 cities

We've only been in the race a few short weeks (24 days if you're counting like I am), and Beto has already visited more cities and towns than any other candidate. Even more than those who have been running for months. The New York Times just mapped it all out, calling Beto's work ethic a "dizzying itinerary":
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Beto for America


We've only been in the race a few short weeks (24 days if you're counting like I am), and Beto has already visited more cities and towns than any other candidate. Even more than those who have been running for months. The New York Times just mapped it all out, calling Beto's work ethic a "dizzying itinerary":

Map of Beto visits so far

We are going to win this campaign by meeting with, listening to, and learning from people in every community. On the ground work. No one taken for granted and no one left behind. With Beto on the road, and volunteers organizing in every community, we can build the largest grassroots campaign this country has ever seen. We're absolutely going to need it if we want to defeat Donald Trump and deliver on our vision.

Can you make a $10 donation to keep Beto out on the road visiting communities and ensure our campaign has the resources we need to win? Every contribution helps us run a competitive grassroots campaign without the backing of PACs, special interests, corporations, or lobbyists.

Contribute $10 »

Wherever you are in the United States, we want you to be part of this. A campaign by all of us for all of us.

Let's show Beto we'll work for him like he's working for us.

Chris Evans
Beto for America


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